MEDALS, hurst homecoming, the Yorkshire international figurines geometric section score?
by:Ennas 2020-06-15
Core tip: small Yorkshire sculpture park (
Is the first, is Europe's largest small sculpture park.
It as a giant open-air museum for art lovers and small Yorkshire sculpture park (
Is the first, is Europe's largest small sculpture park.
It as a giant open-air museum for art lovers to create a unique artistic atmosphere.
MEDALS, hirst recently, the Yorkshire international figurines festival (
Leeds, England in the UK and Wakefield two cities around the pavilion.
There is no lack of among them David Smith, MEDALS, Hess etc. The participation of famous artists.
International top big coffee, bring the figurine section what surprise?
David Smith works, however, Britain's the guardian commentator Adrian Searle is another clear: 'exhibition lack the overall concept of curator, and self-righteous, moaning whinge-bags tedious work everywhere, throughout the display, you can't understand what is figurines.
'MEDALS, Hess admitted back to hometown as the centerpiece of figurines section, MEDALS, hurst,
Damien Hirst)
In the center of Leeds, Leeds art gallery and small Yorkshire sculpture park exhibited its seven important small sculpture.
MEDALS, hurst, 'hymn', 1999 -
The 2005 in Leeds city centre displayed his 'hymn (
1999 -
, the angels' anatomy (
And the long black sheep with golden horns (
MEDALS, hurst, with golden horns of black sheep, and 2009 MEDALS, hurst, 'myth', 2010 'charity (
2002 -
And the myth (
, 'hats make men (
2004 -
And the virgin Mary (
2005 -
The small Yorkshire sculpture park.
Damien hirst, 'virgin Mary', 2005 -
20060 m of the virgin Mary (
2005 -
Has a great influence in a small Yorkshire sculpture park, refer to important artists degas impressionist fourteen little dancer's posture, small cross section showed that the fetus in the womb of the statue curled up.
Damien hirst, 'charity', 2002 -
2003 MEDALS, hurst was grew up in Leeds, he is quite satisfied with the show, he said, 'a huge bronze statue of a small found their home -
They are born for this.
I used to in il Christopher Moore and OTT, Devon, I will like the scenery of Yorkshire.
'Contemporary figurines breadth and depth of the section as the UK's largest figurines, the figurines section also shows the breadth and diversity of contemporary figurines, inspire the audience to rethink their understanding of the form.
David Smith works figurines section of another watch is outstanding in the 20th century American small statue David Smith's works, exhibited at the scene of more than 50 small statue, the earliest experiments. Smith started from 1930 s, to the mass of the 1960 s.
Given that few outside the United States public collections, Smith so rare in Europe can see his works.
Kim soo-joo Asian art works at home, Japan and South Korea artists exhibition, respectively.
Kim soo-joo south Korean artist in a small Yorkshire sculpture park of placing a small church reflections of the floor, and posted in the window film, make the light refraction, cast the colours of the rainbow to the church.
This is also the artist to explore space series project is the latest in meditation.
Japanese artist hut believes in the son, is almost always made of materials on hand.
Huma Bhabha, 'We in Peace', 2017, Courtesy of the artist and the Salon 94, New York the figurines section there are some special works, such as Barbara in Wakefield Hu Ma · statue of queen Victoria and a war monument placed between a cyber, like people, polystyrene foamed plastic sculpture artists, to bronze statue, then paint finish, like cotton grinning, looks like has just Come from another planet.
Johnson, The three forms of oil of lacteal wood fruit ithout ekman, 'three-quarters' Quentin Bell, 'The Dreamer', 1982 in The next one hundred days, art lovers can free here appreciate The small sculpture artists.
Figurines section in the diversity of modern figurines for inspiration, tried to in a long history of Yorkshire to glow the new inspiration and vitality.