Mark Annie goni exhibition held

by:Ennas      2020-06-14
Core tip: 20 years after the death of mark international oil painting masters Annie goni exhibition has carried out in SAN marino national art center. According to introducing, the exhibition exhibited from Anne goni Italian contemporary mark international famous oil painting masters before 20 years after the death of Annie goni exhibition in SAN marino national art centre. According to introducing, the exhibition exhibited from Anne goni Italian famous contemporary painter of more than 40 works, including Italian painter zhi-wei zhou China scenery graffiti and Chinese figure painting. Artists superb drawing skills conquered the visitors, a stop to appreciate and linger. The exhibition for 1 month. Zhi-wei zhou in the late 1970 s in China stage art of Shanghai theater academy study, after go to Italy for further study, from world-class master painting Annie goni in Italy. Zhi-wei zhou told reporters, said the hope that through their work, enhance mutual understanding between eastern and western people. The oil painting exhibition is to commemorate 20 years after the death of painting masters Annie goni part of the world. Anne was born in milan, Italy's international painting a legendary figure. He went into Florence academy of fine arts to study painting at the age of 15 and figurines, 20 years old began painting career, has always been very active in the western painting, until his death in 1988. France's Louvre museum and the Vatican museums, museums are world class collection of his works. Florence, Italy, the city government to commemorate the painting master, to build the permanent museum in his name.
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