Magic of India's 'god', isn't a small statue figurine, 32 years working time long _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-06
Core clew: as people life quality promotion, everyone more and not satisfied with domestic tourism, in choosing a tourism destination is considered more instead to go abroad, and now the transportation is convenient, even as people life quality promotion, everyone more and not satisfied with domestic tourism, in choosing a tourism destination is considered more instead to go abroad, and the traffic is convenient, now even wondered to European and American countries are don't delay, but in fact, our neighbors', 'is also a good choice, such as Japanese, Korean, southeast Asia, South Asia, Malaysia and so on is a good choice. And we want to do today is one of our 'neighbors' - — India. Speaking, we first thought must be secretive sadhus and majesty of the caste system, indeed, both to a certain extent, affect their development. According to statistics, India has more than five million dervish of no contribution to the development of social forces, and more than 70% of the 'low caste people cannot provide truly effective power for social development, of course, there is more than these two factors restricting the development of them. But even so, India's economy amount should catch up with his' masters' in Britain, is really incredible. Actually India is also known as a point, that is their spirit of perseverance, this can not only see from ubiquitous sadhus, one of the most famous or their 'standing god'. Is said to be like that, was one of India's rich to travel to the UK to see the high leg lifts the guard at the gate of Buckingham Palace, and then envy them very much, because the guard stood there still, then returned home after trip, rich began to recruit escort. Finally in the guard is an uncle, it's hard to believe that the uncle can stick to, he can stand for six consecutive hours a day completely motionless, no matter others how to tease him unable to make his move. Even more incredible, that the uncle was 32 years in office, not small sculpture is worth small sculptures, 32 years between daily work time still untouched. It is, therefore, the uncle is known as' stand god '. So rich uncle gave generous salary, not only has pronounced who can make him move, give prize ten thousand rupees, or one thousand yuan. 'stand god is famous in the outside, people is an endless stream, who were rich in front of the house is for everyone to a scenic spot, but so far there is still no one can make uncle move. To this, know about India and don't understand the reaction is completely different, don't know who repeatedly praised, but someone feel surprise, too, the Ganges water with them, it seems, are still more than simple. But others said can't accept it, in terms of India's security, hire a guard station can have what use? How about you? What's the idea about it?
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