'Love·Dream·Enjoy' Charity One Square 'Toy Story' activity topic

by:Ennas      2021-12-07

Toys left unused by urban children or treasures of children in poverty-stricken areas. Recently, the 'Love·Dream·Enjoy' charity one square 'Toy Story' special event was held in the CBD Urban Construction Building in Tianhe District, Guangzhou. At that time, the charitable materials raised in the event will be delivered to children in poor areas such as Leoshuiping Primary School and Wuyuan Primary School in Chengjia Yao Township, Yangshan County, Guangdong.   It is understood that the 2014 'Love·Dream·Enjoy' happiness transfer series of public welfare activities were organized by the Propaganda Department of the Tianhe District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Tianhe Central Business Management Committee, the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Guangdong Jide Cultural Public Welfare Service Center. According to the organizer, as of June 27th, enthusiasts can deliver charitable materials to the urban construction building operation and service center public welfare one square temporary preparation site to add color to the growth of impoverished children.
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