Little statue home: PangYong

by:Ennas      2021-10-05
Core tip: PangYong graduated from figurines LuMei academy of fine arts department in 1997 graduated from lu xun academy of fine arts in 2004 statuettes of postgraduate courses and provincial who teaches at luxun academy of fine arts in 2001-2007 statuettes is 2007 PangYong graduated from figurines LuMei academy of fine arts department in 1997 graduated from lu xun academy of fine arts in 2004 statuettes of postgraduate courses and provincial who teaches at luxun academy of fine arts in 2001-2007 figurines department in July 2007, songzhuang solo exhibition in July 2007, the statuettes solo exhibition 'made in heaven' ( Beijing, China 798 red star gallery) In March 2015 - October national art fund high class research works of jingdezhen in November 2014, the south to the north of transboundary annual exhibition in shenyang in August 2014, 'song of youth' series of shandong Qingdao cultural art festival in October 2013, 'a flower a world' songzhuang art festival in Beijing in May 2012, 'the dream' 798 odd jobs in Beijing in November 2011, 'song of youth' 'the flowers of the world' last of songzhuang art museum in Beijing in October 2011, 'the girl on the sofa 798 zero factory ( Beijing) In May 2011, 'the night we sang' in the northern statuettes show, China shenyang) In August 2011 to participate in the Beijing art fair ( Beijing, China) Participating in jingdezhen violence auction in October 2010 and clinch a deal in November 2009, 'song of youth' in autumn sales of Chinese and clinch a deal, Beijing, China) In October 2009, 'quintessence' fellini gallery ( Shanghai, China) 'Original sin' in May 2009 fellini galleries ( Shanghai, China) In October 2008, the transcendental - 100% - - - - - - Briefing exhibition of songzhuang decade '( Songzhuang) In August 2008, the rings of the party ( Beijing) In June 2008, 'song of youth 5 'in liaoning the pat and clinch a deal, China shenyang) In July 2007 the northern figurines annual show, China shenyang) 'Song of youth' in March 2007 in Shanghai's annual show, Shanghai, China) In December 2006, 'and but different' in changchun, China in December 2006 'dream' young artists ( Beijing, China) In October 2006 'untitled' 'things' in 'days' exhibition ( Beijing, China) In May 2005, 'paradiso' participants in the Shanghai youth art exhibition ( Shanghai, China) In October 2005, 'bathroom' figurines one hundred - Shanghai city figurines center ( Shanghai, China) In December 2005, the 'ghost' to 'South Korea and China, the United States, Thailand statuettes show, Han Guoyi mountain) 'Things' in July 2004 awarded a gold medal at a youth art exhibition of liaoning province { China shenyang} 'Song of youth' in June 2004 in liaoning province fine arts exhibition gold award ( China shenyang) In September 2003 the untitled No. 1 in China changchun international conference on small statue - Northern figurines annual show, Changchun, China) In July 2003 the untitled No. 4 'in Korean figurines invitational exhibition ( China shenyang) In May 2001 the untitled No. 3 'in the north figurines annual show, China shenyang) In May 1998, 'sofa' in China and South Korea statuettes show, China shenyang) In October 1997, 'the challenge' to participate in the national sports art exhibition ( Beijing, China) In July 1997, 'untitled' attend 'celebration of Hong Kong's return to liaoning province fine arts exhibition' ( China shenyang) In July 1997, 'untitled' won third prize 'beauty yuan cup' ( China shenyang) In September 1995, the story of us to participate in the eighth national fine arts exhibition ( Beijing, China) Address: Beijing tongzhou songzhuang tel: 18611 900557 ( Beijing) E- 邮件:pangyong20080911@163。 Com website: http://1030. diaosu。 cn
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