
Li Jifei figurines, art exhibition opens in Florence, Italy

by:Ennas      2021-09-13
Summary: China academy of art China figurine institute youth figurines home Li Jifei figurines, painting exhibition in Florence, Italy on August 22nd, Piazza Idipendenza Italian Chinese artists association of China academy of art China figurine institute youth figurines home Li Jifei figurines, painting exhibition in Florence, Italy on August 22nd, Piazza Idipendenza Italian art center exhibition hall of Chinese artists association. The exhibition hosted by the Italian Chinese artists association, culture communication association. Exhibition of Li Jifei ( Right) Ms to the gallery manager curators Rosanna Ossola introduction work to attend the launch ceremony of guest appreciate works ( From left: curators Rosanna Ossola lady, Venice architect Leila, Venetian artist) Famous Italian curator Rosanna Ossola lady, the famous Italian artist, painter, Luigi Doni, Venice figurines, Trarte artists association President Luciano Longo, Venice architecture designer, ms Leila Firenze FYR gallery manager Carlo. Italy Mr Sheng-wen wang, chairman of the Chinese artists association, vice chairman Zhang Chengsen, deputy secretary-general li slimming, French contemporary culture and art exchange association for the advancement of Europe and Asia chairman Mr Cui Yanzhe attended the opening ceremony, the integration of artists, and Chinese artists association conference room for luggage in Italy after fly work conference, to attend the Chinese and foreign artists to speak to communicate. Attend the launch ceremony of guest photo ( From left: Italian Zhang Chengsen, vice President of Chinese artists association, the famous Italian artist, painter Luigi Doni, Italy Mr Sheng-wen wang, chairman of the Chinese artists association, the artist Li Jifei, Venice figurines, Trarte artists association President Luciano Longo, the famous Italian curator Rosanna Oss, Chinese artist association deputy secretary-general li slimming Italy) Attended the academic seminar on the scene Li Jifei by Chinese artists association in 2013 young Chinese artists selected item to Italy for overseas studies, the exhibition is one of the Li Jifei Italian communication activities. To show a total of more than 30 pieces of small sculpture 'movement series', 'yuan', 'mother', sketch works 'sunshine series of Tibet', 'Russia to study abroad life series, a total of more than 20 pieces of drawings, more than 10 figurines works, the author of the cover, 10 years of history. Li Jifei figurines, give priority to with figurative realism painting, realism creation as the main direction, work characteristics: into the thick of life, people happy, honest and friendly in real life, with the content of the common into the profound meaning. Major publications: 'red children' 'coward grad' yuan 'the Yalta' sunshine of Tibet 'claims' lyu3 bu4 three British war '. 'Bicycle', bronze, bronze, the equestrian, 2007 2007 'NO movement. 2 pommel horse, bronze, 2005, the movement - — Li Jifei boat, bronze, 2006 China art research institute China figurine institute figurines home member of Chinese artists association of Russian artists association member of the national ChengDiaoWei writer youth center deputy director of the office of the members of his works exhibited at home and abroad for many times, 'when he's won the 2nd repin academy of fine arts creation competition, Russia won the first prize in the winter holiday, the school won the only two Chinese artists in the history. 'Xu beihong award in 2009, 2009 China yixing city figurines contest' in the script, a permanent completion in yixing. The Yalta in 2012 selected the 5th Beijing international biennale. The works in the Russian repin academy of fine arts in 2007, the third creation competition victory, 'won third prize. 2008 work 'yuan' to be included in the 11th national arts exhibition, 2010 works 'claims' won contest of figurines of nanchang city government and the permanent completion in nanchang celebrity figurines. In 2011 work 'red children' by the fourth session of the national youth arts exhibition honorable mention. In the 12th army arts exhibition in 2012 and was the eighth route army in shanxi taihang memorial hall collection. In 2012 work 'lyu3 bu4 three British war' national grand theatre permanent collection. The sunshine of Tibet in the 10th national excellent art exhibition, 2013 by the Chinese artists association young Chinese artists selected item to Italy for overseas studies.
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