Li Jifei figurines, art exhibition opens in Florence, Italy

by:Ennas      2021-09-12
Core tip: Li Jifei figurine works China art research institute China figurine institute youth figurines home Li Jifei figurines, painting exhibition in Florence, Italy on August 22nd, Piazza Idipendenza Italy Li Jifei figurine works China art research institute China figurine institute youth figurines home Li Jifei figurines, painting exhibition in Florence, Italy on August 22nd, Piazza Idipendenza Italian art center exhibition hall of Chinese artists association. The exhibition sponsored by the Italian Chinese artists association, French cultural exchange association. Li Jifei works to introduce the guests to Italy famous curators Rosanna Ossola lady, the famous Italian artist, painter Luigi Doni, figurines, Venice Trarte artists association President Luciano Longo, Venice architecture designer, ms Leila Firenze FYR gallery manager Carlo, Italy Mr Sheng-wen wang, chairman of the Chinese artists association, vice chairman of Zhang Chengsen, deputy secretary-general li slimming, method of cultural exchange association, chairman of the integration of the artist Mr Cui Yanzhe attended the opening ceremony, and in Italy, Chinese artist association conference room for luggage after flying piece seminar, attending the Chinese and foreign artists to speak to communicate. 'Red children', 'a coward grad', 'yuan', 'Yalta', 'sunshine of Tibet', 'claims', 'lyu3 bu4 three British war' and so on is the representative work of Li Jifei, work is given priority to with figurative realism, realist creation technique as the main direction, usually people happy, honest and friendly in real life, the artist with the content of the common perfusion work with deep meaning. Li Jifei workshop 2013 selected by China national arts association 'middle-aged and young artists in China project for overseas studies' in Italian, the exhibition is one of the Li Jifei Italian communication activities. Exhibited works a total of more than 30 pieces of small sculpture 'campaign' yuan '' mother' and so on more than 10 pieces of small sculpture, the Tibet sunshine series 'Russia to study abroad life series' and so on more than 20 pieces of drawings, presented the author nearly 10 years of creative processes. Li Jifei figurine works
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