Leveraging on IP authorization, focusing on small but beautiful...... CTE China Toy Fair exhibitors have a curious way to build a brand!

by:Ennas      2022-01-18
As the old saying goes, when you talk about the brand, you always think of the famous words of Coca-Cola's former chairman Woodruff: If my factory is destroyed by fire, if there is a global financial storm, but as long as there is the Coca-Cola brand, I will stand up again the next day. It is believed that enhancing brand influence is also one of the issues that every company is exploring. Look at how exhibitors at CTE China Toy Fair solve this problem. Leveraging on power, IP authorization is always the most effective brand promotion tool. Most Chinese toy companies started with OEMs. As the market continues to change and integrate, companies increasingly realize the importance of independent brands, so they focus on authorized IP. The branding and promotion of the company is one of the choices of most enterprises' transformation. In this process, multi-dimensional and different business paths such as the deepening of a single IP, the layout of multiple IP matrixes, and the creation of independent IPs have been extended. Chenghai’s Enlightenment Building Blocks has always been keen on trending IP authorization. Previously, they won international big IPs such as Pokémon. However, in the past two years, the country’s tide has risen and they have begun to switch to the embrace of Chinese original IPs, such as Nezha, Jiang Ziya, and Ari The hot IP image and the launch of a series of building block toys not only achieved good sales results, but more importantly, greatly enhanced the brand influence and made everyone remember their brand. Changsha's Changyi Toys is also a representative enterprise of successful export to domestic sales. As early as 2009, they launched a series of Disney authorized IP products in the country. In recent years, they have successively obtained Kung Fu Panda, Piggy Page, Linefriends, etc. Hot IPs, and with these IPs, Changyi Toys has also expanded its gift channels, cinemas, garden parties and other diversified sales channels outside of the traditional supermarkets, and has worked hand in hand with other categories of licensees of the same IP to win-win situation in domestic plush toys. The market steadily occupied the head position. Focusing on small and beautiful differentiated products, one hot product can make consumers remember that your current market products are seriously homogenized, and the diversified needs of the domestic toy market are becoming more and more obvious. Small and beautiful personalized toys are sought after by consumers. In addition, toys The consumer population is also expanding, from the original 0-14 years old to 0-14 years old+. The market demand for toys suitable for adults and parent-child toys is also increasing day by day. Small and medium toy companies can seize this opportunity to adapt to changes in the consumer market. The product. A GiiKER Super Rubik’s Cube launched by Foshan’s Gike, which is different from ordinary Rubik’s cubes. This product has built-in six-sided sensors and contains applications such as teaching, gaming, and competition. It is suitable for all age groups and games in different scenarios. In March 2018, the Super Rubik's Cube was launched on Xiaomi crowdfunding. The first 15,000 Rubik's Cubes were sold out in 30 hours, creating a sales myth in the Rubik's Cube industry. As of the end of March this year, the cumulative downloads of Keke Software have exceeded 3 million, and monthly active users have reached 400,000, spread across 172 countries and regions. Shenzhen Bei Lego, with a 40-year history, has also launched its own brand in overseas markets, and has an advantage in category sales in large supermarket channels such as Wal-Mart. In 2019, I began to try exporting to domestic sales. The same brand, the same quality, but upgraded and improved for the aesthetics of domestic consumers, launched a series of high-value, multi-functional play house toys, from products to packaging, and even publicity They all pay great attention to visual design, and focus on the power of e-commerce platforms. They use various pictures and videos to show the high value of the products. In just one year, they quickly capture the hearts of mothers and continue in the play house toy category. The success of the brand overseas. One of the small pool toys based on the aesthetic color of the mothers born in the 90s has continued from abroad to the domestic market. Bellego, Jike, and Enlightenment Building Blocks participated in the CTE China Toy Fair. They have already entered the China Toys and Baby Products Association 365 Cloud Exhibition. If you have any intention to cooperate, please contact the organizer, China Toys and Baby Products Association (www.wjyt-china.com.cn. org). The 365 cloud exhibition platform has achieved remarkable results, with 2.7 million views accurate E docking with the China Game Association 365 cloud exhibition platform. At present, 2500+ exhibitors have settled in, including 20,000+ toys and baby products, 1800+IP. At the same time, Gathered 150,000+ buyers from channel dealers, retail chain organizations, educational institutions, commercial real estate, etc. of toys, babies and children’s education supplies, with more than 2,700,000 page views, one-to-one precise cloud service, guiding industry enterprises to connect with each other at any time throughout the year , To help exhibitors and visits achieve better results! About CTE China Toys Fair As a leading platform for the Asian toy industry trends, after 18 years of development, CTE China Toys Fair has become the collective choice of overseas well-known brands. They are Dongguan, Shenzhen, Chenghai, Zhejiang Yunhe, Yongjia, Qingdao, Shandong, Jiangsu Baoying, Fujian Jinjiang and other local associations have recognized and participated in the trade platform that focuses on promoting the brands of the production area. It is a must-see exhibition for domestic and foreign buyers every year. In 2020, the exhibition area will exceed 230,000 square meters, the number of exhibitors will be 2700+, the number of brands will be 5000+, and the number of professional buyers will exceed 90,000+. The 2020 CLE China Authorized Exhibition, CKE China Baby and Child Exhibition, CTE China Toys Fair, and CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition will be on the same stage at the Shanghai New International Expo Center on October 21-23. The old time, the old place, and the better results. At present, the exhibition application and visit registration system is fully open. Baidu searches for CTE China Toy Fair, log in to the official website (cn.china-toy-expo.com), click on the company to book booths or buyers to register and purchase to participate.
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