Lego couple dummies are well-received for global travel

by:Ennas      2021-12-05

International online special article: According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on May 26, the English couple Craig McCartney and Lindsey Haggerty are conducting ' 'Lego Global TravelMcCartney and Hagerty are taking a self-guided tour around the world. In addition to carrying backpacks, maps, and cameras, they also use Lego toys to assemble adult dolls. They take photos of the dolls whenever they go, and upload these alternative couple photos to the Internet. Internet wave. McCartney and Hagerty have been to France, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and are currently taking pictures in Australia. Their Facebook account already has thousands of 'fans'. McCartney said: 'I saw a Lego camera when I was thinking about giving my girlfriend a 30th birthday. This gave me a lot of inspiration because we like to travel a lot. And when we arrived in a new city, Hagerty It’s a photo souvenir, and I’m holding a map and a backpack.”    McCartney also said: “I made two Lego figures to represent the two of us. Lego Hagerty carried the camera and Lego McCartney carried the camera. Holding a map with a bag. This is the first gift I gave to Hagerty when we celebrated her 30th birthday in Paris. You may be surprised how long it took us to take such a perfect picture, because even the slightest The wind can blow down the little people, so we always need to find the right height to fix them.'
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