Latest research: Emotional toys have become a new family demand

by:Ennas      2022-01-13
Recently, the American Toy Association released a hot new trend in 2021-affected by the epidemic, children are increasingly using toys as a form of escapism and entertainment. Zen-Sational Toys will be popular among North American families. This trend was recently supported by data from The Insights Family®, a research organization focused on global children and family education. Adrienne Appell, Senior Vice President of Marketing Communications of the American Toy Association, said: Facts have proved that toys that can help children deal with emotions and develop social and emotional learning (SEL) skills are a kind of toy that can help families get rid of psychological and emotional problems. Tools for emotional dilemmas. We expect this trend will continue to be popular until the fourth quarter as market demand grows. For this kind of tactile toys that can help children calm down and relieve their fidgeting problems, dolls that guide them to build compassion, family spa toys, etc. , We can call it Zen-Sational Toy. According to the latest data from The Insights Family®, compared with January 2021, parents’ attention to their children’s mental health continues to grow. In March 2021, the number of parents hoping to use toys to reduce their children’s psychological stress increased by 23%. American parents pay more attention to the fun and educational function when purchasing toys. Among them, 22% of parents of children aged 3 to 5 consider first whether toys can help children gain creativity; secondly, they cultivate social skills (17 %) and enhanced physical fitness (15%). 22% of American parents prioritize whether toys can help their children's creativity when buying toys, rather than price factors. The data also shows that the type of toys children play has an impact on their happiness. The survey results for girls aged 3-9 are as follows: 12% of children said that plush toys are their favorite type of toys, and they rarely feel anxious. , Which shows that plush toys contribute to girls’ mental health. Among the 3.5 million girls who participated in the survey, 26% had encountered bullying or bullying, but those girls who chose Barbie as their favorite toy believed that they had not encountered this problem, and their proportion was also Achieved 24%. The 24% of the girls who chose Barbie also showed that they were less troubled by appearance-related issues in the survey, such as racism (-37%) and obesity (-46%), which can reflect the impact of Barbie’s sports and product strategies. Promote the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion. The report also found that 11% of children aged 3-12 who like puzzles basically do not feel anxious, reflecting from the side that puzzle toys can promote happiness. The Insights Family® Chief Product Officer Jonathan Watson (Jonathan Watson) said: Our research report hopes to provide some information and foundation for the real market demand for toy brand product research and development. What American families need at present is to help children establish a relationship. A toy with sense, confidence and focus, this is a good opportunity for innovation. Even if the epidemic is over and parents recover the time and money they used to spend on experience games, toys will still be an important tool for providing emotional support to children of all ages.
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