Land male spouses woman why leave less _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-11
Core clew: land male spouses, shiva is land, her one very little, and not because she detestable, in fact a lot of land, is a very beautiful lady the real reason is that she loved to tell the truth. Male spouses to use the land is the woman, she fights are fewer, not because she detestable, in fact a lot of land, is a very beautiful lady the real reason is that she loved to tell the truth. It is said that the jade emperor will land and down to earth, had asked him what his hope. Land to be rich in mind, words impressive-looking, like to be a political report, says he hopes the worldly people into a well-off life, greatly improve the spiritual civilization. Land after the woman listened to the said: 'this not line, worldly people should have the rich poor, everyone's rich no one willing to do hard work, have the gap to division of labor cooperation, develop the function of society. 'To which it is said that the world of difference between the rich and the poor. After the land and down to earth, meet people howl of pain because of their loved ones died, not a pity, want to will the resurrection of the dead, who stopped by land again: 'life and death is karma, you cannot change. If everybody forever, is not this the world become a dog-eat-dog world? 'The earth had to reassure their ideas. Because these two things, people usually put land woman as a 'bad woman', not to sacrifice.
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