Kenyan businessmen phase hainan tridacna market to introduce the exquisite carving process

by:Ennas      2020-06-16
Core tip: 'these tridacna gorgeous, Chinese sculpture technology is amazing! 'A few days ago, come from Africa Kenya businessman Volker Bassen in numerous tridacna visited hainan handicrafts, feeling' these tridacna gorgeous, Chinese sculpture technology is amazing! 'A few days ago, come from Africa Kenya businessman Volker Bassen in numerous tridacna visited hainan handicrafts, couldn't help but sigh. At the end of the nine days after the trip to hainan, he immediately decided to reach the cooperation, and hainan sea world handicraft co. , LTD. And China exquisite carving technology introduced to Kenya. Tridacna is one of the largest shellfish, deep sea shells can be more than 2 meters, the shell weight of up to 300 kg, its 'such as white jade', since ancient times has been as a buddhist shippo, once because of its hidden deep in the sea, and difficult to obtain, is one of the valuable organic gemstones, also known as the 'jade'. Hainan is a big ocean province, in recent years, with the construction of international tourism island and the implementation of the strategy of sea power, as one of the south China sea precious resources, tridacna know its name is more and more, but very few really understand the value of man, is in the 'long'. Living in Kenya's Volker Bassen is a giant clam lovers, collectors, he tells a reporter, he has collected a lot of valuable in Kenya tridacna, there are a lot of giant clam fossil even from 250000 years ago. It turns out that different hainan tridacna derived from the deep sea, Volker Bassen collection of tridacna dig out from the soil of the baby, Kenya is by the sea with the changes in the earth's crust to land by themselves, formed by the earth's surface or deep, contains a lot of giant clam. Volker Bassen think, tridacna itself is a kind of Marine life, it should be more precious than diamonds, pearls! And his collection of tridacna is experienced the tens of thousands of years precipitation. After a visit in hainan for many days, Volker Bassen found that China's development and processing of giant clam has reached a certain height, and Kenya in the development and carver it a block or a blank, he decided to a large collection of precious tridacna processed as raw materials to the Chinese market. 'Indeed, Kenya there tridacna texture more close-grained, material is hard, make handicraft value will be higher! 'A' the first person of hainan tridacna, 'said, hainan sea world handicraft co. , LTD. , general manager li heng, in Kenya tridacna very favour, Volker Bassen visiting this time, also brought a piece of' gold content 'to li very high tridacna, li fondle admiringly. In li tridacna exhibition hall, carving exquisite, vivid singly tridacna like beautiful picture scroll, let a person dazzling, everything make full use of the texture and shape tridacna itself and carving, very creative. 'Like this yellow above, in order to keep the pure white in our there will be polished away, the most unique thing here as it retained, very beautiful, the craft technique makes me feel so magic! 'Volker Bassen said, pointing to cases to put tridacna handicraft. Li thinks, at present, hainan's tourism commodity market, the local characteristics of high-end tourism products are scarce, tridacna high ornamental value, with fewer resources, have become the connotation of high-end products, coupled with tridacna itself contains the profound cultural connotation, development and the value of the mining giant clam, is to promote hainan local resource utilization and tourism culture connotation. Li, on the other hand, also have their own ideas, he wants to Kenya as China tridacna abroad and facing the first leg of the world, opened the first put the key in the world market, make China tridacna, hainan tridacna for more people to know and love. Volker Bassen visit and proposals and li idea coincides with mine. Li heng, Volker Bassen has invited him to visit Kenya soon, may also be held in the Kenyan tridacna China arts and crafts exhibition, at the same time, he also deliberately and Volker Bassen to establish a joint venture together, together will tridacna into high-end arts and crafts with Chinese characteristics, the characteristics of hainan.
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