Jin-song CAI art exhibition opening

by:Ennas      2020-06-13
Core tip: on October 17, 'freedom of consciousness - — — Jin-song CAI art exhibition in Beijing (' 751). Opening of new culture art center. Jin-song CAI is a minister of propaganda department of Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics and beihang on October 17, 'freedom of consciousness - — — Jin-song CAI art exhibition in Beijing (' 751). Opening of new culture art center. Jin-song CAI is a minister of propaganda department of Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics and beihang university art museum curator. It is in his unremitting efforts, now the science and engineering school of art, Chinese colleges and universities is the most influence public art space. Jin-song CAI is widely involved in photography of art creation, ink painting, oil painting, figurines, and other fields. His art works in recent years dozens of times to participate in important exhibitions at home and abroad, the work has been more domestic and foreign universities, academic institutions and personal collection. The exhibition on display jin-song CAI in recent years, to create the figurines, oil painting, ink painting, print 108 pieces of works, poetry 38 first.
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