
Ji condition - — The contemporary revival of Oriental aesthetics

by:Ennas      2021-09-20
Core tip: on December 8, 2013, a ZERO ( Zero art center) Going to roll out ceremoniously 'loneliness Annual exhibition of contemporary Renaissance 'Oriental aesthetics, the group exhibitions convened by the Liang Kegang and Li Xiangqun as invitation launched on December 8, 2013, a ZERO ( Zero art center) Going to roll out ceremoniously 'loneliness Annual exhibition of contemporary Renaissance 'Oriental aesthetics, the group exhibitions convened by the Liang Kegang and Li Xiangqun as invitation, invited ten well-known contemporary artists to participate. The exhibition will last more than three months, not only hope to pay more attention to colleagues, also hope to get a wider range of communication. Based on intention to show, in the hope that more intellectual and ideological circle, involved in the discussion of Oriental aesthetics to revive the art world. ZERO was founded in 2003, has ten years have passed, to 10 anniversary of the exhibition is to summarize the past decade, is also a prospect for the future, congratulations to ZERO in the 798 art district to ten years, become a witness to the development and change of contemporary art and participants. Each piece of work can be traced back to a deeper level, and the traditional Chinese philosophy, world view and aesthetic traditions, in trying to find every logic of outstanding artists, to find and combed his roots and context where, rather than simply take the appearance of things together. Participating works broke the Chinese contemporary art has been learning and imitation of western modern and contemporary art paradigm, in a expression and content, from the inside out by the heart way show about time, space, Oriental culture, nature, fate and the thinking and expression. These outstanding artists of exploration and practice for the overall development of Chinese contemporary art to provide new possibilities. The exhibition is not adopted passage 'curator' of the west, and strive to make it a 'colleague exhibition', the like-minded professing to ten outstanding artists gathered together, reappearance of ancient scholars 'seven sages of bamboo forest' humanistic ideal. Convener Liang Kegang said: 'as a complex with their own unique cultural traditions and reality of politics, economy, culture, how the Chinese contemporary art from the traditional philosophy and aesthetics to find valuable resources and nutrient, combined with the present society and era background of creation and western modern and contemporary art path and value judgment is not completely consistent system of China's own art has been or is becoming the Chinese art world part of the consensus of people, also is a kind of China the cultural is the cultural consciousness. 'Exhibition theme interpretation: silence, without vocals. According to the ─ ─ quietus, [ nirvana] Language: Buddhism. 'Nirvana' free translation. Refers to the surreal the ideal of life and death, realm, scenery, situational meaning. For example: 'the company in person, and no horses and chariots embarassment. — — Jin, TaoQian natural drinking poems status is sovereign in view of the world, in the east the east face natural not choose intervention but have chosen to comply with the regulation, which is in the Chinese classical philosophy as the nature of the tao. Chinese people try to find rest in the nature, hope to develop the potential of natural, rather than conflict with natural and attempt to change nature, world outlook of the negative pessimistic and the aesthetic pursuit of breath on the whole cause of Chinese art representation is slants cold, simple and quiet, in the tradition of the visual arts will advocate the kind of realm and feel calm and dull and lonely. Art for the Chinese people more like one's own heart and behavior rather than to simply in the science of uniting the visual language expression. And the aesthetic temperament of such a quiet cold perhaps is just for the present era of impetuous fight fans and social agent the best coolant. Exhibition information convener: Liang Kegang, Li Xiangqun academic support: laozhu, summer can you the artists: Chen Qingqing, Guo Gong, He Duoling, Li Xiangqun, Liang Kegang, Liang Shaoji, shao, north Shao Yi farming, Wang Huangsheng, Zhang Yu press conference: on December 8, 2013 opening time: at 2 PM at 4 p. m. on December 8, 2013 exhibition of time: on December 8, 2013 to March 9, 2014 exhibition location: Beijing 798 art zone ZERO ZERO art center ( Zero art center) Is China's first is given priority to with contemporary figurine art, art center with high academic standards. Its function is mainly aimed at contemporary figurine art collection, research, combing, file finishing, display and promotion, and tries to promote the art of contemporary Chinese figurines experimental and frontier development. The art center through holding exhibitions with academic depth, promote academic exchange and research, to create an international contemporary figurine art exchange, exhibition platform. 零( Zero art center) Is one of the earliest art center was founded in the 798 art zone, its venues including the exhibition hall, archives, visual part such as platform, multimedia center and art shops, area of thousands square meters. Exhibition hall space height of seven meters, whole space and large area of outdoor display platform can meet the drawing, figurines, video, installation, performance art exhibitions and the demand of all kinds of cultural activities.
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