IP empowers food innovation, and the China Alcoholic Food Marketing Innovation Forum was successfully held

by:Ennas      2021-12-26

According to the '2020 China Brand Licensing Industry Development White Paper' data released by the China Game Association in May this year, China's annual retail sales of authorized goods reached 99.2 billion yuan in 2019, a year-on-year increase of 15.9%. While China’s licensing industry continues to develop rapidly, the cooperation between the sugar and alcohol industry and IP licensing has become increasingly close. Among the major authorized product categories, the food and beverage authorization market maintains rapid and stable growth, and China's food authorization industry has great potential for development in the future. A large number of alcohol and food companies use 'IPIP authorization cooperation in the wine industry is not uncommon in recent years. Traditional wine brands have tapped the power of IP to unearth new cultural connotations. There are numerous successful cases, including the cooperation between Wuliangye and the Forbidden City. The Nine Dragon Altar is the first cultural and creative product of Wuliangye's in-depth cooperation with the Forbidden City. As a famous world cultural heritage, the meaning of the Forbidden City is needless to say, but the Wuliangye standing next to the Forbidden City is not inferior. As a typical representative of Chinese liquor, Wuliangye and the Forbidden City have a high degree of compatibility in terms of identity, status, history, tolerance, craftsmanship, and cultural inheritance and innovation. The combination of the two fully demonstrates the unique charm of China's top business cards. Among domestic brands, cross-border marketing in the beverage industry emerges endlessly, such as Yili Jindian Juanshan Pure Milk in the dairy industry co-branding with the British Museum, Bright Dairy and Guanshengyuan jointly launching White Rabbit Milk, etc. For international brands, there are more cases of this kind. In addition to Sprite and Jiang Xiaobai in the previous fires, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Mondelez and so on are more typical. In order to further promote the IP empowerment of the sugar and alcohol industry, the China Game Association Brand Authorization Committee will join hands with the 102nd National Sugar and Alcohol Commodity Fair to successfully hold the China Alcoholic Food Marketing Innovation Forum on July 28. Starting in 2019, the IP authorization ecosystem empowerment plan has penetrated into a number of key authorized industries, including joint CIBE China International Beauty Expo, China Department Store, China Stationery Fair, Shenzhen Gift Fair, and many other cross-industry transactions throughout the year Meeting, jointly carry out landing activities, cultivate the market and open up the entire authorized ecosystem at the same time.
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