Intervention -- — ZERO young contemporary statuettes show

by:Ennas      2020-05-28
Core tip: display name: intervention -- — ZERO young contemporary statuettes show exhibition location: ZERO ( Zero art center) Show time: in 798 art district street - 2013 09 - 18 ~ 2013 - 10 - The organisers of the 13 show name, intervention -- — ZERO young contemporary statuettes show exhibition location: ZERO ( Zero art center) Show time: in 798 art district street - 2013 09 - 18 ~ 2013 - 10 - The organizers of the ZERO (: Zero art center) Participating artists: Chang Baolin, Deng Ye, following will be high, Sue, Gao Yang, zhong-yang li, Liu Kai, Shi Xueliang, jonsson, Yang Yang, Zhang Mengliang, posters Chang Baolin Zhang Xiao exhibition, 'sleep', gypsum, 60 x x 35 cm, 38 Deng Ye 2013, burners, glass, 900 * 600 * 350 cm, 2013 following the will, if not tomorrow I start, colored resin, and 180 * 60 * 165 cm, 2013 following the will, if tomorrow need not start II, colored resin, and 110 * 50 * 115 cm, 2013 high Sue, the grafting - series - - - - - - Root (110), silica gel, hair and * 30 * 15 cm, and 2009 high Sue, the grafting - series - - - - - - Fruit ', the silica gel, hair and 45 * 45 * 25 cm, and 2009 high Sue, the grafting - series - - - - - - Bud, silica gel, hair and 35 * 35 * 25 cm, and 2009 Gao Yang, 'fly', ceramic, 60 & # 120; 60 cm X6, 2013 zhong-yang li, the dot mole figure, painting traditional Chinese painting, 200 & # 120; 200 cm, 2013 Liu Kai, quiet wait for the goose, camphor wood, 45 x2055cm, 2013 Liu Kai, quiet waiting for the young, camphor wood, 33 x17x33cm, 2013 Liu Kai, quiet waiting for the small cart, camphor wood, 110 & # 120; X100cm 50, 2013 Shi Xueliang, the dying slave Ⅱ, gypsum, cotton wool, 83 cm, 2013 jonsson, this young girl, dirt, 40 x25x70cm, 2013 jonsson, the girl and cat, dirt, 40 & # 120; 25 x40cm 20 & # 120; X27cm 13, 2013, Yang Yang, 'wearing helmets Tian Jie', colored resin, and 76 x29x29cm, 2013 Zhang Mengliang, 'a woman without arms statues, gypsum coloring, 103 x22x17cm, 2013 Zhang Xiao, mei color breast of woman, the resin of the lacquer that bake, 45 * 40 * 30 cm, 2013
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