Internet companies have set foot in or are planning to enter the toy industry

by:Ennas      2021-12-17

Google, Apple, Tencent and other Internet companies have stepped into or are planning to deploy the toy industry. In the Internet era, traditional industries are likely to take the wind and fly into new life. The shopping, mobile phone and television industries have been deeply transformed by the Internet, and toys may become a new frontier for the Internet. Internet companies such as Google, Apple, Tencent and LeTV have stepped into or are planning to enter the toy industry.   Dongguan's toy manufacturing has a pivotal position in the international arena, and the city is also accelerating the development of the robot industry. Many toy companies continue to upgrade, their products are more intelligent and technological, and they have even become robot toys.  Industry trends  Toys become the new favorite of Internet giants  Data shows that the global market for maternal and child toys has broad prospects, with a development scale of more than 80 billion US dollars. At home, the size of the toy market should not be underestimated. Data show that in 2013, the total consumption of toys in the mainland China market was approximately 31 billion yuan. In the next three years, this market may exceed 100 billion yuan in total consumption.   At present, international brands such as Mattel, Lego, and Bandai have seized the limelight in the Chinese toy market, while the brand competitiveness of domestic toy companies is still relatively weak, mainly concentrated in low-end products. Therefore, in the face of huge market demand, Internet companies and other cross-industry layouts have full momentum, and Internet companies have great advantages in playing smart hardware and content, and through more intelligent toys, they will be like wearable devices, etc. Become its new entrance to compete for service and traffic.  Internationally, Google has developed a virtual reality helmet toy made of cardboard. It has launched the first self-developed self-driving car with its own brand, which looks like a toy. Domestic Internet giants Baidu, Ali, Tencent, etc., have also started their layout in the field of parent-child toys, relying on their respective advantages.  Local dynamics  Many Dongguan enterprises are developing smart toys. In Dongguan South China Design and Innovation Institute, a smart caring robot with rich expressions and multimedia functions has become a star product in the past two years and has attracted many people's attention. According to Wang Yong, the executive vice president of the institute, this product was developed by the Institute of Innovation in cooperation with the well-known Korean company Avery He. It aims at the life companion service market for children's psychological development and healthy growth. Currently, more than 50,000 units have been sold worldwide. .  Longchang Digital Technology Co., Ltd., as a leading company in the toy industry in our city, has already started its layout in the research and development of smart toys. The company’s managing director Liang Zhongming introduced that the latest products of Longchang Toys include educational toys such as creative smart globes and electronic building blocks, as well as a variety of smart robots controlled by Bluetooth and smart phones. Continuously.   The reporter also learned that the independent brand Hahaxiong bilingual story machine launched by Dongguan Shuimu Animation Derivatives Development Co., Ltd. has become a hot-selling product, and it is also one of the representatives of the upgrading of traditional toys and animation enterprises in our city. Liu Xianghui, general manager of the company, introduced that the product combines stories, language, music, games, etc., to train children in an entertaining way. It is an early story machine product developed with high-end technology in China.  Trend analysis  Life service smart toys will become the dominant   Experts believe that although the traditional toy industry is highly profitable, the low-quality problems such as low interaction and poor content need to be solved urgently, and the entry of Internet companies may bring changes. 360 Chairman Zhou Hongyi also said in public that it is a trend for Internet companies to make smart wearable products, but many health monitoring products are not just needed, so they can only be short-lived. He believes that to make children's smart watches and provide parents with security monitoring services, this kind of life service is just needed and dominated in the future.   For example, Longchang Digital's latest service robot with video conversation function and remote control movement can be widely used in homes, hospitals and other places. Liang Zhongming said, “For example, when you are on a business trip, you can use your mobile phone and robots to understand the situation at home, and keep track of the dynamics of the elderly and children at home.” And service toys and robots will also be the key Ru0026D direction of Longchang Digital in the future. . (Sun Weifeng)
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