Inject 'ideas' into toy products to enhance cultural soft power space

by:Ennas      2021-12-07

The successful application of the Grand Canal and the Silk Road is gratifying. This will certainly bring considerable help to the improvement of my country's cultural soft power.   I think that cultural soft power, in addition to being reflected in these major cultural heritage, in fact, in many small places, there is also room for expansion. For example, toys.   You may ask, what are toys? Then I can show you a set of statistics: China is the world's largest toy producer and exporter. At present, about 70% to 80% of toys in the world are made in China. According to statistics, in 2013, my country's toy exports were 24.732 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for about 70% of the world market share.   At present, the output of the toy industry is more in the 'manufacturing' aspect, but lacks the 'concept' aspect, which involves the transformation and upgrading of the industry, let alone. What I am thinking of is whether it is possible to establish a 'Chinese toy library'?   Toy Library is a comprehensive place that includes publicity, popularization, display, performance, rental, repair, sales and touring publicity. It was first founded in 1967 by British female teacher Norris. The first 'World Toy Library Conference' was held in London in 1978. After that, thousands of toy libraries of different sizes and types have been established in various countries around the world.   There are more than 30,000 kinds of children's toys produced in my country, which can be described as a dazzling array. These tens of thousands of toys, scattered all over the place, are not concentrated, which is really a pity. As far as I know, there are a few small toy libraries at present, such as the Putuo District Toy Library in Shanghai, and the Guangzhou Toy Library officially opened this year at the city level. However, compared with my country's status as a strong toy nation, it is still far from enough and lacks national planning. Can the provinces and cities conduct trials first, and on this basis, set up a 'China Toy Library' so that the majority of children in my country and international toy manufacturers can have the opportunity to see all types and grades of my country’s production Toys, expand my country's toy promotion and toy sales channels? It will not only be a symbol of a toy powerhouse, but also an educational base for children to enlighten intelligence. It will be a good window for all countries to visit our country in friendship. Through concentrated display and release, it provides incentives and platforms for the cultural originality of toys, and finally realizes the output of 'ideas'. Is this also a good attempt to improve cultural soft power?
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