
In the wind and rain, 2020CKE China Baby u0026 Children Exhibition is waiting for you in Shanghai

by:Ennas      2021-12-27

In the golden autumn of October, the haze of the new crown epidemic gradually dissipated, and the maternal and infant industry ushered in new developments. On October 21-23, 2020, the China International Baby Products Exhibition (abbreviated as : CKE China Baby u0026 Child Exhibition), will be opened at Shanghai New International Expo Center as scheduled. As the world's leading baby and child products trade platform, 2020CKE China Baby u0026 Child Exhibition will interpret the strength of how 'more, faster, better, and less' occupy mothers and babies Develop new territories. 'Many': There are many brands with abundant resources, and many buyers with first-class reputation With an area of u200bu200b230,000 square meters, it is expected that there will be 2700+ exhibitors, 5000+ brands, and 1800+IP exhibitors. The strong brand appeal of CKE China Baby u0026 Children's Show has attracted world-renowned brands, such as Cybex, Rollplay, Joie, Nuna, Combi, Pigeon, AVOVA, GLOBBER, etc., all of which regard CKE China Baby u0026 Children's Show as the preferred exhibiting platform for developing business in China. In addition to the 'old customers' of the exhibition, this year's exhibition has also added many new faces. The German high-quality plush toy brand Steiff was founded in 1880, the American infant toy brand Apple Park, and Hong Kong, China, which specializes in school bags. The Tiger Family brand is the first time to participate in the CKE China Baby u0026 Children Fair. With the help of the exhibition, we can meet business partners and expand the Chinese mainland market. 'Fast': Trend information is one step faster, industry hotspots quickly grasp the rapid changes in the maternal and infant industry market, and it is very important to grasp product trends. If you want to see the latest products, you must come to the CKE China Baby Show. This year's exhibition has attracted leading domestic companies in the baby and child product industry. They chose to release the latest products here. For example, Goodbaby Group will hold a new product launch conference at the same time as the exhibition to launch its new products; leading companies such as Yingshi, Star Entertainment, AMORHOME, etc. It will also bring its latest products to participate in the 'Toys and Baby Products Industry Upgrade and Innovative Product Selection' held at the same time as the exhibition, bringing buyers the best-selling new products. Affected by the epidemic, outdoor sports products and disinfection products have become popular best-selling categories. This year CKE China Baby and Children Show also has insights into industry hotspots and attracted outdoor sports equipment manufacturers to participate in the exhibition, such as: Migao, Guangnami, UBay, etc., will be on-site Display new outdoor sports products such as children's bicycles, scooters, and children's balance bikes. In the field of disinfection products, according to market demand, manufacturers such as Goodbaby and Kangbei have separately developed disinfection products suitable for mothers and babies, such as: Kangbei steam sterilizer, disposable hand sanitizer, Goodbaby Disinfection Little Guardian, UV Disinfection cabinets, plant essential oil mosquito repellent stickers, etc. will also be showcased in this exhibition. Grasp the opportunity and be one step ahead, CKE China Baby u0026 Children Fair, you deserve it! 'Good': The online and offline connections are good, and the appointment registration service is good. In order to cope with the new crown, the China Game Association launched the 365 cloud exhibition platform to provide online and accurate docking services for the maternal and infant industry participants, online browsing and attention, and offline meeting CKE China The Baby and Children Fair conducts cooperation negotiations, upgrades the dual-line service, makes an appointment in advance, and can enjoy the six VIP premium services. Why should I hesitate? 'Province': One-stop connection saves time and effort, reduces intermediate channels and saves money. Affected by the new crown epidemic, participants in the maternal and infant industry missed the exhibition in the first half of the year, and now there is an urgent need for cooperation opportunities. For brand owners, this will be a free and new product launch conference, channel investment promotion conference, and marketing promotion conference, saving time and effort in one step. For buyers, they can connect with major domestic production areas at one time at the exhibition, including Dongguan, Pinghu, Pingxiang, Ningbo, Zhongshan, Huangyan, Yongkang and other domestic specialty enterprises and brands in the main production areas. Foreign brands gather here to realize the precise docking of brand owners and distributors, saving time, effort and money. At present, the pre-registration system for buyers to visit is fully open. Now log on to the official website (cn.china-kids-expo.com) to pre-register and enjoy VIP exclusive services. Massive brands, many buyers, unlimited business opportunities, 2020CKE China Baby Tongzhan meets in Shanghai.
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