In the qing dynasty famous ruyi _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2021-10-15
Core tip: 'satisfied' original Buddhism vocabulary, translation of Indian Sanskrit 'ana law', is a kind of handle in a heart-shaped handles. Buddhist priests preached handheld, often will text written in the above, lest heritage 'ruyi' original Buddhism vocabulary, translation of Indian Sanskrit 'ana law', is a kind of handle in a heart-shaped handles. Buddhist priests preached handheld, often will text written in the above, so as not to forget. However more widely for identification of the origin, is the ancient have bills scratch my back 'don't ask for' tools - — 'Itch scratching. Later, because it is considered a lucky, modelling is small and lovely, functional degradation, gradually to the evolution of the display of pure curios and gifts. As arts and crafts, multiple in qing dynasty, emperor kangxi years, ruyi plaything become the emperor in the palace, empresses, even with the emperor 'shadow'. Therefore, ruyi gradually become upper class people, the symbol of power and wealth has become a folk hall display and four plaything, to show auspicious, satisfactory. There is poetry 'pepper, qi all ZhuBao together at that time the best price', suggests that there is a best value. Ruyi made to the qing dynasty, the craft to reach. Common material with gold, silver, jade, horns, teeth and jade, agate, bronze, bamboo, wood, etc. Because bamboo flexibly take a bamboo of moral integrity, and often borrow conceive and design the natural forms of the bamboo, the wonderful artical excelling nature, so highly regarded. Bamboo gendiao plum flower ruyi ( 38. 2 cm, ruyi head width of 8. 7 cm, below) , brown, patina nature. Writer bamboo root bending natural shape to round, carve, a variety of techniques such as high anaglyph carved into. A curved stem to flexibly handle, the handle on the scar knot deep realistic, pretty flower disc and stem clings, ruyi head wound, flowers in bloom, like a ball, and beautiful modelling, carver innovated, line bending to opportunely, like nature itself. Bamboo carving versicolor first ruyi ( 46 cm long, ruyi head width 4. 7 cm, above) , show amber, jade-like stone embellish remains light. Ruyi made with two bamboo piece, the body thin lightness, ruyi hand for corrugated transverse bending back turned into, a flat convex surface, and Yin line bas-relief ruyi lines, handle the intaglio running script, and inscriptions. Whole ruyi modelling is like that, do manual work is concise and kit kat, gives fully in fine and very resistant to the reward. The above two bamboo satisfied by the Beijing museum of the Chinese cultural relics appraisal experts eppinger s. sourcing by design appraisal, respectively in the early qing dynasty bamboo root flexibly and quality in the qing dynasty in the prophase of bamboo carving best masterpiece.
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