In 2020, Guangdong toy exports reached 13.385 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 70% of the country’s total

by:Ennas      2022-02-06
According to the Guangdong Toy Association, my country's annual toy exports in 2020 are 231.73 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.7%. Among them, Guangdong's total export of toys reached 13.385 billion US dollars, accounting for 70% of the country's total exports. Industry experts analyzed that the opportunities and challenges of the international toy market coexist in 2021, and it is recommended that toy companies clarify product circulation channels, especially the development of online trade. my country is the world's largest toy producer and exporter. Affected by the sudden outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the operation of my country's toy industry was hit hard last year. Among them, product exports from January to February dropped sharply by 25.7% year-on-year. Subsequently, in the second quarter, with the support of the national resumption of work and production policy, enterprise production gradually returned to normal. In 2020, my country's annual toy exports were 231.73 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.7%, showing the strong resilience of China's toy industry. Corresponding to the recovery of production capacity, the pattern of the global toy market has also quietly changed, and the development of the world's toy consumer market has become more diversified. Industry experts analyze that although European and American countries are still the world's largest toy consumer market, toy consumption in emerging economies is growing rapidly. Data show that as the country's largest toy production and export base, Guangdong's toy exports to the 27 EU countries in 2020 amounted to 4.338 billion U.S. dollars, down 5.4% year-on-year; exports to the North American Free Trade Zone were 7.36 billion U.S. dollars, down 0.64% year-on-year. However, exports to ASEAN were US$1.301 billion, a year-on-year increase of 9.09%; exports to the Middle East increased by 10.8% year-on-year; exports to countries along the Belt and Road were all positive growth, of which exports to 16 countries in West Asia and North Africa were US$911 million, a year-on-year increase of 10.7%. How will the international toy market go in 2021? Li Zhuoming, chairman of the Guangdong Toy Association, believes that the international toy market in 2021 can be said to be both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, due to the severe outbreak of new crown pneumonia overseas, the originally imperfect industrial chain of Southeast Asian countries has been greatly damaged, and the orders of toy multinational companies with high technical requirements have to be sent to Chinese companies. It is expected that the orders of processing trade companies will continue to last April The quarter is more abundant. But on the other hand, due to the impact of the epidemic, overseas businessmen’s participation in professional exhibitions, procurement from the origin and other business activities have been blocked, and the export of self-branded products of Chinese toy companies is still not optimistic. Therefore, Li Zhuoming suggested that companies actively increase their corporate and product publicity efforts, dredge product circulation channels in many ways, and especially develop online trade. He particularly pointed out that the implementation of epidemic prevention and home quarantine measures has allowed parents to spend more time with their children. The sales of puzzles, building blocks, intellectual toys, game consoles and other types of toys have increased sharply, both in overseas and domestic markets. Performance.
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