In 2014, baby products companies set off a wave of 'borrowing marketing'

by:Ennas      2021-11-28

The warm winter of 2014 can be described as warmer and warmer for baby and child products companies. Good news at the national policy level is constantly refreshed. Industry activities such as distribution or terminal are extremely hot. How to integrate advantageous resources in the industry and outside the industry? At the same time of cultivating internal skills, doing a good job of taking advantage of the market to achieve an overall surge in business channels and sales performance has become a major issue that everyone has to face at the beginning of the new year. Senior marketing experts in the industry said that in the era of fragmented information dissemination and excessive media marketing, baby and child products companies insist on the path of brand development, and in-depth excavation of relevant authoritative associations and mature exhibition platforms, etc., to carry out precise promotion. important. The implementation of the National New Deal frequently accelerates the infant and child economy boiling within reach. In late January, the National Bureau of Statistics released data showing that the GDP in 2013 increased by 7.7% year-on-year, and the national economy was developing steadily and positively. In particular, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased in nominal terms over the previous year. 13.1%, both urban and rural areas have maintained a growth rate of over 12%, which has laid a solid foundation for the rapid development of the baby products market. As the first year of comprehensively deepening reforms after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, after the New Year’s Day in 2014, Zhejiang, Anhui, Tianjin and other provinces and cities have quickly started implementing the “single two-child” policy. Experts in the industry predict that new students will be added within 5 years. The number of children is expected to exceed 7.5 million. In 2015-2019, it will drive market consumption to more than one trillion yuan. In the future, the economy of baby products such as strollers, safety seats, cribs, feeding, washing, and baby shoes can be described as hot. Be wary of new changes in the consumer market and take the brand road. After the second child policy is launched, the original '4+2+1' family parenting model will gradually change to the '4+2+2' model. Parents' educational concept New features will inevitably appear. The current baby product manufacturers and brand owners, whether they have been in the market for many years or have just entered the Chinese market, can only understand and grasp the psychology and trends of end consumers, as well as distributors and agents. Such new demand can seize sufficient share in the fierce market competition. Li Hong, the purchasing director of the well-known baby and child chain Kidwang, said frankly that consumers are more concerned about the quality, cost-effectiveness and individualization of products. Coincidentally, Liu Jianjun, deputy director of the China Foreign Trade Center, called at the closing of the 114th Canton Fair that companies should cultivate technology, Brand, quality and service are new competitive advantages at the core; and economist Cheng Siwei also pointed out recently that the central government has called for the promotion of an innovative country, which has created good conditions for enterprises to develop quality and create famous brands. Therefore, if baby and child products companies want to stand out, the brand road is the only choice and the best destination. The service upgrade of China Baby u0026 Children's Fair promotes the successful transformation of corporate marketing. In the face of the new situation in the global baby and child industry, China Baby u0026 Children's Fair, the only international professional trading platform for baby products in China, is striving to optimize service measures for exhibitors and buyers. Build a more convenient procurement channel. In 2014, while steadily expanding the scale to create greater business opportunities for more companies, the China Baby u0026 Children Fair also paid close attention to refined management, focusing on the different types of companies in different categories such as strollers, safety seats, cribs, feeding and washing, and baby and children’s clothing. Demand, as well as brands in different development stages and different target markets, provide more targeted and effective one-to-one promotion services to help companies deploy global markets and build brands strongly. In addition, one of its organizers, China Toys and Baby Products Association, launched the 'Brand Self-discipline China Tour' activity in 2013, which has been greatly recognized by the society, and mainstream department stores and baby and child chain stores across the country have joined the 'Safety Commitment Brand Consumer Experience Store'. In order to help export-oriented enterprises to quickly win the export market, the association also launched the “star supplier” training and promotion plan for the first time to comprehensively improve the quality of the company. Design, marketing and other levels, and provide oriented buyer recommendation, high-quality buyer matching and other business services, promote the transformation of baby products companies, and comprehensively increase operating profits.
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