'Hua tuo herbalism' giant carved wooden advent of bozhou in anhui

by:Ennas      2020-05-31
Core clew: on June 30, 2014, the anhui province bozhou city grassroots sculptor, folk artists Gu Fangshan is the creation of large wood 'hua tuo herbalism as the last working procedure processing. Bozhou city, anhui province on June 30, 2014, the anhui province bozhou city grassroots sculptor, folk artists Gu Fangshan is the creation of large wood 'hua tuo herbalism as the last working procedure processing. On the same day, the anhui province bozhou citizens between artists, grassroots sculptor Gu Fangshan lasted six months meticulously created 'hua tuo herbalism' giant woodcarving work finished smoothly. Gu Fangshan said, 'hua tuo herb gathering large woodcarving is 3 meters high, wide 1. 9 meters, raw material is a complete walnut trees. Is reported that this year 52 years old folk artists Gu Fangshan is bozhou city qiaocheng district office Xue Ge jia village people, has nearly 30 years in woodcarving work, playing at the age of seven or eight began to wood, flat backing machice, clay sculpture works of art produced strong interest, now, he carved out of wood carved large 'hua tuo stand Que flower', 'ssangyong play bead', 'phoenix show peony', 'woodcarving red-crowned cranes and peach wooden pendant, woodcarving murals, such as works of art, is popular with the majority of the citizens.
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