
how to resin crafts

by:Ennas      2023-07-07

Resin crafts are an incredibly popular form of DIY crafting, as they can be used to create a wide variety of items, from jewelry and home decor to paperweights and keychains. However, for those who have never worked with resin before, it can be intimidating to know where to start. This guide will walk you through the steps of how to resin crafts, from selecting your materials and preparing your workspace to adding finishing touches and curing the resin.

Materials Needed

The list of materials needed for resin crafting is fairly short and affordable, making it a great hobby for those on a budget. You will need:

- Epoxy resin (typically sold in two parts, a resin and a hardener)

- Mixing cups and stirrers

- Disposable gloves

- Protective eyewear

- Silicone molds (depending on what you are making)

- Dye or pigment (optional)

Preparing Your Workspace

Resin can be messy and permanent, so it is important to prepare your workspace before beginning. Choose a well-ventilated area, ideally outdoors or in a well-ventilated room, and lay down a disposable plastic tablecloth or newspaper.

Mixing and Pouring the Resin

Once you have your materials and workspace ready, it is time to mix and pour your resin. Follow the instructions provided with your epoxy resin, but generally speaking, you will need to mix equal parts of the resin and hardener in a disposable cup. Stir the mixture thoroughly for several minutes until it is completely combined.

Depending on what you are making, you may choose to add dye or pigment to your resin mixture at this point. This can be done by adding a few drops of dye or a small amount of pigment powder to the resin cup and stirring it in thoroughly .

Next, pour your resin into your silicone molds or onto your surface. Use a plastic stirrer or small spatula to spread the resin evenly and remove any bubbles that may have formed. Note that some projects may require additional layers of resin, which can be added Once the first layer has cured.

Finishing Touches

Once your resin has been poured and spread, you can add finishing touches such as glitter, beads, or other embellishments. These should be placed on top of the resin while it is still wet, and gently pressed down to ensure they adhere properly. The resin to cure according to the manufacturer's instructions, typically for 24-48 hours.

Removing Your Resin Creations

Once your resin has cured, it can be removed from its mold or surface. This may require a bit of force, so be sure to use caution and wear gloves to protect your hands. If you are working with a silicone mold, simply pop the mold or push the item out by flexing the mold. For surfaces, you can carefully pry the resin away with a plastic spatula or razor blade.

Curing Tips

To ensure your resin cures properly, it is important to follow these tips:

- Keep your workspace clean and free of dust or debris, as these can affect the appearance of your final product.

- Keep your resin away from direct sunlight or heat sources, as this can cause it to yellow or bubble.

- Be patient with the curing process, as rushing can lead to incomplete curing or damage to your project.

- To smooth out any rough edges, sand your cured resin with a fine-grit sandpaper.


Resin crafting is a fun and versatile hobby that anyone can enjoy. With these tips and step-by-step instructions, you can begin creating your own beautiful resin creations in no time!

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