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How to Paint Resin Figurines: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

How to Paint Resin Figurines: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners


While you can just buy pieces from a resin figurines supplier, making some of them yourself can be very rewarding. The thing about resin figurines is that they’re detailed, which makes them intimidating to paint. Especially if you’re a beginner, but with the right guidance, you can bring your pieces to life. Today, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you tackle this task and be proud of the result!


Step-by-Step Guide on How to Paint Resin Figurines

1. Prepare the workspace

The first thing you need to do is prepare the space you will be working on. You have to make sure the surface has enough room for you to be comfortable. Additionally, you need to avoid clutter.

Your resin figurines supplies should be organized and within reach, so you can work seamlessly. We recommend you protect the surface as well to avoid damage and facilitate the clean-up process. Covering it with old newspaper will do, but you can also use a tarp or any other type of cover.

2. Sand the resin figurine

Usually, sanding is done after the curing process. So, if you haven’t done that before you start painting, now’s the time. This will allow you to remove any imperfections and ensure you have a smooth surface to paint on.

We recommend starting with 80-grit sandpaper and increasing the grit as needed. Be gentle, but apply even pressure to make sure you don’t create any raised or lowered patches. Once you do that, you can clean the piece with compressed air or like we’ll explain below.

3. Clean the resin figurine

Before you even touch a paintbrush, you need to make sure your resin figurine is clean. Resin can attract dust and debris when you leave it unattended for some time. Making sure that the piece is clean will make it easier for the paint to adhere to the surface.

It will also make the finish smooth instead of bumpy or textured. The best way to clean your resin figurine is to use some soapy water and a soft cloth. You can also use an old toothbrush to clean all the crevices. Then, dry it well, preferably with a microfiber cloth.

4. Fill in any recesses on your resin figurine

This step is optional, so only do it if you need to. Make sure to inspect your figurine well to confirm there are no recesses that need to be filled out. You should also keep an eye out for little holes or cracks and other imperfections.

If you find any issues, you can use a bit of epoxy resin to fill them in. Just apply the epoxy resin to the affected areas and let it cure completely. Then, you can sand the area to remove any excess and make sure it’s all smooth.

5. Apply a primer

When your resin figurine is good to go, start by applying a primer. It’s important to apply at least two coats of primer. This will allow the paint to adhere well to the resin and create an even surface.

So, start with a coat and allow it to set. Sand it if you notice any imperfections or bubbles, then clean it well and apply the other coat of primer. Repeat the sanding if necessary and clean the piece well.

6. Paint your resin figurine and apply varnish

Finally, you can start painting your resin figurine. The first thing you need to do is make sure the paint is prepared. Mix it well with a mixing stick and make sure you have the right size of paintbrush. We recommend you start with the base colors and then move on to the details. Leave the very fine details for last so you can take your time with them.

When applying the first coat of paint, make sure that the layer is thin and consistent across the entire surface or the area you’re focusing on. Once the first coat is applied, allow the paint to dry. Follow the recommendations of the manufacturer regarding the time.

Once the first coat dries, you can move on with the rest. Be patient and allow each layer of paint to dry well. This will prevent uneven paint and unwanted texture. Then, when you’re done painting and the piece is fully dry, apply a layer of varnish finish to complete the work. This will protect your resin figurine and it’s not a step you should skip. It may seem inconsequential, but given all the effort you put into painting, it’s well worth the extra step.

Final Words

Painting resin figurines is not as difficult as it may seem. It will require patience, but if you prepare well, you won’t have any issues. More importantly, you’ll enjoy the process! Alternatively, you can always grow your collection by relying on a good resin figurines supplier. If you want to get new figurines instead of making them yourself, check out Ennas Gifts!

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