how to make resin figurines at home

by:Ennas      2023-06-15

How to Make Resin Figurines at Home

Resin figurines can add a personal touch to your decor and also make great gifts for loved ones. Although they may seem complicated to create, they are actually quite easy to make at home. In this article, well walk you through the process, step- by-step, so you can create your own custom resin figurines.

Materials You Will Need

Before you get started, you'll need to gather some materials. Heres what you'll need:

- Resin: This can be purchased at craft stores or online. Make sure to choose a resin that is suitable for the mold you plan to use.

- Mold: You can use silicone or plastic molds to make your figurines. Silicone molds are very detailed and flexible, while plastic molds are more rigid and easier to work with.

- Stirring sticks: These can be anything from popsicle sticks to disposable chopsticks. You just need something to mix the resin and hardener.

- Measuring cups: You'll need two measuring cups to measure the resin and hardener.

- High-quality pigment: This will give your resin figurines their color. Make sure to choose a pigment that is compatible with your resin.

- Gloves: Wearing gloves is essential when handling resin, as it can be harmful to your skin.

- Release spray: This will help the molds release the resin once its cured.

Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have your materials, its time to create your resin figures. Follow these steps:

1. Prepare your mold: If using a silicone mold, wash it with warm, soapy water and let it dry. If using a plastic mold, apply a release spray to it.

2. Mix the resin: Follow the instructions on the resin packaging to mix the resin and hardener in the appropriate ratio. Use a measuring cup for accuracy.

3. Add pigment: Once the resin and hardener are mixed, add your pigment and stir well.

4. Pour into the mold: Carefully pour the resin into the mold, making sure to fill all the details.

5. Pop bubbles: Use a heat gun or torch to pop any bubbles on the surface of the resin.

6. Let it cure: Leave the mold to cure as long as the resin packaging suggests.

7. Remove from mold: Once the resin has cured, carefully remove it from the mold. If you have trouble, flex the mold gently to loosen it from the resin.

8. Trim and sand: Use a sharp knife to trim any excess resin and sand the surface of your figure until its smooth.

Finishing Touches

Now that you have your resin figure, its time to add some finishing touches. You can use a clear coat to give your figure a glossy finish, or add glitter or metallic paint for some extra sparkle.


Creating resin figures at home is a fun and rewarding experience. With just a few materials, you can create custom figures to decorate your home or give as gifts. Just be sure to follow the instructions and wear gloves when handling resin. With practice, youll Be an expert at creating resin figures in no time.

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