
how to make crafts with epoxy resin

by:Ennas      2023-07-01

Crafts enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels can try their hands on epoxy resin crafts. Epoxy resin is a versatile material that is used to create beautiful and functional creations. Whether you are looking to create jewelry, home decor, or personal accessory ies, epoxy resin is a great option. In this article, we will discuss how to make crafts with epoxy resin, including several fun and easy projects that you can try at home.

What is Epoxy Resin?

Epoxy resin is a type of plastic that is used in a variety of applications. It is made up of two main components: a resin and a hardener. When these two components are mixed together, a chemical reaction occurs, creating a strong and durable material Epoxy resin is often used to seal and protect surfaces, such as floors and countertops, as well as in craft applications, such as jewelry making and home decor.

Supplies You Will Need

Before you begin making crafts with epoxy resin, it is important to gather all the supplies you will need. Here are the essential supplies you will need:

Epoxy resin mixture


Mixing cups

Stir sticks

Protective gloves

Craft molds

Pigments or dyes (optional)

Project #1: Resin Jewelry

Making resin jewelry is a fun and easy way to get started with epoxy resin. Here is what you will need:

1. Choose the type of jewelry you want to create (bracelets, necklaces, earrings)

2. Select your mold type and have it prepared to pour resin into

3. Choose your pigments or dyes for coloring the resin

4. Mix the resin and hardener as per package instructions

5. Add your pigments or dyes

6. Pour the mixture into the mold

7. Allow the resin to cure and harden

8. Demold your jewelry and trim any excess material

9. Add any additional findings such as earring wires or a necklace chain

Project #2: Coasters

Resin coasters are a fun and practical way to use epoxy resin. Heres how to make them:

1. Choose your mold type and have it prepared to pour resin into

2. Mix the resin and hardener as per package instructions

3. Add any pigments or dyes

4. Pour the resin mixture into the mold

5. Use a heat gun to remove any bubbles that form on the surface

6. Allow the resin to cure and harden

7. Demold your coasters and trim any excess material

8. Sand the edges for a smooth finish

9. Add any finishing touches with a clear sealant if desired.

Project #3: Resin Paperweights

Resin paperweights are a great way to add color to your desk at work or home. Heres how to make them:

1. Choose your mold type and have it prepared to pour resin into

2. Mix the resin and hardener as per package instructions

3. Add any pigments or dyes

4. Pour the wax mixture into the mold

5. Use a heat gun to remove any bubbles that form on the surface

6. Allow the resin to cure and harden

7. Demold your paperweights and trim any excess material.

Project #4: Resin Picture Frames

Resin picture frames are a great way to add a personal touch to your home decor. Heres how to make them:

1. Choose your mold type and have it prepared to pour resin into

2. Mix the resin and hardener as per package instructions

3. Add any pigments or dyes

4. Pour the resin mixture into the mold, leaving a space for the photo

5. Use a heat gun to remove any bubbles that form on the surface

6. Place your photo in the designated space and allow the resin to cure and harden

7. Demold your picture frame and trim any excess material

8. Sand the edges for a smooth finish.

Project #5: Resin Keychains

Resin keychains are a fun and easy way to make personalized gifts for friends and family. Heres how to make them:

1. Choose your mold type and have it prepared to pour resin into

2. Mix the resin and hardener as per package instructions

3. Add any pigments or dyes

4. Pour the resin mixture into the mold

5. Use a heat gun to remove any bubbles that form on the surface

6. Add any embellishments, such as glitter or confetti

7. Allow the resin to cure and harden

8. Demold your keychains and trim any excess material.


Epoxy resin is a versatile material that can be used to create beautiful and functional crafts. With a little inspiration, you can create a wide variety of projects, from jewelry to home decor. Whatever you choose to make, remember to follow all safety precautions and have fun exploring the world of epoxy resin crafting!

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