
How to maintain (copper figurine Silver oxide method) _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-06
Core tip: small unearthed bronze sculpture mud is often rust cloudy, decorative pattern is not clear, proper cleaning, let the earth to fall off, and then gently with small hair brush scrub, rust, undermine the grain have encountered the soil available unearthed bronze figurines are often mud rust opacity, decorative pattern is not clear, proper cleaning, let the earth to fall off, and then gently with small hair brush scrub, rust, undermine the grain have encountered the soil available small bamboo sticks out slowly, avoid by all means use copper brush or scrub brush to scrub, more can't use polishing tool is clean, otherwise it will destroy small copper sculpture, lost collection value. So how to protect small copper sculpture to maintain? With silver oxide contact with cuprous oxide, closed the exposed surface of cuprous chloride, achieve the goal of tripod for corrosion control. With mechanical method, first remove the powdery rust, show hoar wax cuprous chloride. Then dispatch silver oxide and alcohol into a paste, coating on the surface of cuprous chloride, and put in damp environment, make its full role, formation of cuprous oxide and cupric chloride, covering the surface of cuprous chloride. Both for the stability of salt, so operation for many times, still don't appear until put objects in high humidity environment powdery rust corrosion. This method is suitable for the mottled the implements of the local corrosion and metal tessera artifacts.
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