How to identify the authenticity of a cultural relics _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-18
Core tip: the definition of cultural relics definition, characteristics and categories: is the product of culture, cultural relics are the precious historical artifacts in the process of human social development. It from different areas and side reflects the people of cultural relics of the definition, characteristics and categories in the history of definition: is the product of culture, cultural relics are the precious historical artifacts in the process of human social development. It from different areas and side reflects the status of the people in the history of the world, is the study of human social history data. Features: is a long history of cultural relics in survivors of similar items. Only cultural relics can breakthrough the limitation of time and space, to the history to texture, and become the carrier of the historical image, this, is anything cannot replace, therefore, it can't be reproduced. With the understanding of the role of cultural relics, education function and notarization, constitutes the form of characteristics of cultural relics. Category: all cultural relics is historical artifacts. Due to the political needs, and the old democratic revolution after the opium war in 1840, after the May 4th movement in 1919, the new-democratic revolution, in 1949 after the founding of the People's Republic of China's socialist revolution and construction period of the cultural relics, specific for 'revolutionary cultural relics. Therefore, our country in the habit of relics will be divided into two major categories of historical relics and revolutionary cultural relics. According to the provisions of the act of cultural relics protection law of the People's Republic of China, the cultural relics can be divided into two system of cultural relics protection units and classifying. According to the size of the value of cultural relics, and hierarchical. The current key cultural relics protection units are divided into national, provincial ( Municipalities and autonomous regions) Level and county level 3. Classifying the relics of general level 3, level 1 collection for special collections, secondary and tertiary collection for basic collection of secondary level of the collection. In these different levels of the key cultural relics protection units and the collection, and other places of historic interest and cultural relics, and scattered cultural relics. For they also from the perspective of cultural relics protection shall be properly treated. The cultural relics appraisal principles and evaluation methods in human history, people for a variety of purposes, created a large number of copies or falsify for cultural relics and the 'cultural relic', we have encountered often true, good and evil people mixed up. There are also some cultural relics in the river, in the long years of its true nature be masked, for it is difficult to correctly understanding, therefore, before the use of cultural relics, the first task is to identify. Why can identify cultural relics? Because the world is knowable. All the material world, from the microscopic world to macroscopic world, are in constant motion are in change. Any pieces of cultural relics, are produced in a certain historical condition, form cannot leave time, with it, in the course of history is always according to their own inherent development order, constantly changing, it is in this way, cultural relics as a result of physical movement, become the testimony of history. If over time and space to build an object with a cultural relic is exactly the same, is can not ah. Just as people can't step into the same river twice. Therefore, cultural relics cannot be replicated. Used to say 'copy', today just patterned or imitation, it is produced by the human senses similar feeling, and to achieve a specific purpose. In theory, any falsify and 'copy' can be identified. The cultural relics appraisal is a branch of history science. The general principle of history science, learning principles to apply to the cultural relics appraisal. At the same time, the cultural relics appraisal has its own specific research object, that is ancient and present practice for the identification of cultural relics, including its identification theory, knowledge and methods. The cultural relics appraisal to learn in the field of culture, is a relatively independent application discipline. The cultural relics appraisal is the basic method of classification, comparison and identification. Classification: the blend and all kinds of cultural relics are divided into different taxa repel each other, mutually incompatible, find out the different and same points between the cultural relics, achieve the goal of understanding and mastering. Comparison: according to the known standards, the comparison of cultural relics have some connection with each other, to identify with the standard content, as well as the similarities and differences of the internal contradictions of all aspects of the appraisal object and contact, systematic research and comparison, in order to make a qualitative judgment. Identification: on the basis of practical experience, with different methods, such as investigation, textual research and scientific inspection, according to the appraisal object and the law of the same kind of product, the nature of the cultural relics, through the theoretical thinking, generalization and abstraction, achieve the goal of discernment and understanding. The main content of the cultural relics appraisal: 1, 2, date 3, evaluation jigan
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