
how to glue resin figurines

by:Ennas      2023-06-21

How to Glue Resin Figurines

Resin figurines are some of the most exquisite and detailed collectibles. They come in different shapes and sizes and can add charm and elegance to any space in your home. But as with most things, they are not indestructible and can easily break into pieces if h andled carefully. If you're in such a situation and are wondering how to glue resin figurines, read on for some tips on how to repair them.

What You Will Need

Before you begin repairing your damaged resin figurine, here are some tools you will need.

1. Epoxy Resin: Epoxy resin is a two-part glue that is perfect for repairing broken pieces of resin figurines. It sets quickly and creates a strong bond that can hold the pieces together. You can find epoxy resin at your local hardware store or online.

2. Disposable Gloves: Epoxy resin can be messy, so it's essential to wear disposable gloves when handling it. They will protect your hands from the glue and make the cleaning process more manageable.

3. A Disposable Mixing Bowl and Stirring Stick: Epoxy resin comes in two parts, and the two parts must be mixed well before applying it to the broken figure. Use a disposable mixing bowl and stirring stick to ensure that you do not cross-contaminate the two parts.

4. Sandpaper: You may have to sand down sharp edges and excess glue after repairing your figure. A fine-grit sandpaper will work well in this process.

5. A Clean, Dry Cloth: You'll need a clean, dry cloth to wipe off any excess glue or sandpaper debris.

How to Glue Resin Figurines

Now that you have all the necessary tools gathered, here's a step-by-step guide on how to glue your resin figurines.

Step 1: Clean the Surface

Clean the resin surface that needs repair using a damp cloth to remove oils or dust that could interfere with the bond. Allow it to dry naturally before continuing to the next step.

Step 2: Mix the Epoxy Resin

Mix the two parts of your epoxy resin glue according to the manufacturer's instructions. Depending on the brand, it may involve mixing the two parts in equal parts or a specific ratio of one part to the other. Do not overmix the two parts as this may reduce its effectiveness.

Step 3: Apply the Glue

Using a toothpick or a small brush, apply a small amount of the mixed epoxy resin glue to the surface that needs repairing. If you are repairing a larger area, apply glue to all the edges of the broken figure.

Step 4: Join the Broken Pieces

Carefully join the broken pieces of the resin figurine, pressing gently to ensure that they bond together. You may have to hold the pieces in place for a few minutes to ensure that they do not move before the glue sets.

Step 5: Allow the Glue to Cure

Leave the glued figure to cure or dry for at least 30 minutes, taking into consideration the instructions on the glue's manufacturer. Avoid any unnecessary movements that may cause the glue to detach the joint.

Step 6: Sand Down Edges

Once the glue is dry, use sandpaper to remove any excess glue or sharp edges from the joint.

Step 7: Clean the Surface Again

Wipe the surface you have repaired using a clean, dry cloth or a slightly damp cloth to remove any leftover debris. Allow the figure to dry naturally before touching or displaying it.


With the above steps, you can quickly learn how to glue resin figures without professional help. Ensure that you use the right tools and follow the manufacturer's instructions on the epoxy resin to achieve a perfect bond.

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