how to fix resin figurines

by:Ennas      2023-06-21

When it comes to resin figures, accidents can easily happen. Whether the cat knocked over a fragile figure or it simply suffered from wear and tear, its important to know how to fix them. Although they may look like theyre made of stone, resin figures are actually made of a synthetic polymer that can be repaired with a few simple tools. In this article, we will go over the steps you need to take to fix your resin figurines.

Subheading 1: Assess the damage

The first step in fixing resin figurines is to identify the damaged areas. Look for any cracks or breaks that may have occurred. If the figurine is missing any pieces, try to locate them, as they may be able to be glued back on. Once You have assessed the damage, you can determine the best course of action to repair the figure.

Subheading 2: Gathering materials

To fix your resin figurines, you will need a few supplies. These include epoxy glue, a small paintbrush, a bowl of water, a sanding block, and paint or marker pens. You can find all of these supplies at your local craft store.

Subheading 3: Apply the epoxy glue

Epoxy glue is the best adhesive to use for repairing resin figurines. Its strong, waterproof, and can be sanded down once its dry. Before you apply the glue, make sure the area you repairing is clean and free of debris. Mix a small amount of epoxy glue according to the instructions on the packaging. Apply the glue to the crack or broken area using a small paintbrush. Hold the pieces together until the glue sets.

Subheading 4: Sand down the excess glue

Once the glue has set, use a sanding block to gently sand down any excess glue. This will help to blend the repair into the surrounding area. Be careful not to sand too hard or you may damage the figure.

Subheading 5: Touch up the paint

If your resin figurine has paint or marker pen detailing, you may need to touch it up after the repair. Use paint or marker pens that match the original color to fill in any areas that were damaged during the repair process. Allow the paint to dry completely before handling the figure.

In conclusion, fixing resin figures is a relatively simple process that can save you money on having to replace them. With a few simple tools and some patience, you can repair your figures and have them looking as good as new. Remember to take your time and follow the steps carefully to ensure a successful repair.

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