
how to do epoxy resin crafts

by:Ennas      2023-07-08

Epoxy resin crafts are a fun and creative way to personalize and decorate just about anything. Whether you want to make jewelry, coasters, or a unique piece of wall art, epoxy resin gives you endless possibilities. In this article, well cover the basics of epoxy resin, the tools you'll need, and step-by-step instructions on how to get started.

Understanding Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin consists of two chemicals (resin and hardener) that must be mixed together in the right proportions. When combined, they create a chemical reaction that hardens the liquid into a solid, clear, and glossy finish. Epoxy resin can be mixed with pigments , powders, or paint to create any color or design you want.

Tools & Supplies

Before you start your epoxy resin project, you need to gather the necessary tools and supplies. Heres a list of some of the most essential items:

- Epoxy resin kit (including resin and hardener)

-Disposable cups and stir sticks

- Protective gloves

-Safety glasses

-Heat gun or torch

- Sandpaper (various grits)

- Silicone molds or containers

- Oil or silicone spray (for releasing resin from molds)

- Pigments or powders (optional)

Preparing Your Workspace

Epoxy resin can be messy, so you want to make sure you have a clean and organized workspace. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

- Cover your work area with plastic or a drop cloth

- Wear old clothes or an apron

-Keep all tools and supplies within arms reach

- Make sure you have good ventilation

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that you understand the basics and have all the tools you need, its time to get started. Here are some step-by-step instructions for creating your own epoxy resin crafts:

1. Mix the Resin and Hardener

Follow the instructions that come with your epoxy resin kit carefully. Measure equal parts of the resin and hardener into separate disposable cups. Pour the hardener into the resin and stir for at least two minutes, making sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the cup .

2. Add Pigments or Powders (Optional)

If you want to add color or texture to your resin, you can mix in pigments or powders. Use a toothpick or small stir stick to add drops of pigment to the resin mixture. Mix until you achieve the desired color.

3. Pour the Resin

Pour the resin mixture into your silicone mold or container, making sure to cover the entire surface. If you are using a silicone mold, lightly spray it with oil or silicone spray before pouring in the resin.

4. Remove Air Bubbles

Use a heat gun or torch to remove any air bubbles that may have formed in the resin. Hold the heat source a few inches above the surface and move it in a circular motion.

5. Let it Cure

Allow the resin to cure according to the instructions on the package. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the type of resin you are using.

6.Sand and Polish

Once the resin has cured, remove it from the mold or container and sand the edges with sandpaper. Start with a rougher grit and gradually work your way up to a smoother grit. Use a polishing compound to give the surface a glossy finish.


Epoxy resin crafts are a fun and creative way to personalize just about anything. With a little bit of practice and the right tools, you can create unique and beautiful pieces of art that will last for years. Whether youre making jewelry, coasters, or a piece of wall art, epoxy resin gives you endless possibilities.

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