
how to do crafts using inlays with resin

by:Ennas      2023-07-02

Crafts have always been a way to express our creativity and make beautiful items for ourselves or our loved ones. Using resin as a craft material opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Inlays are one such technique that will help you create stunning pieces of jewelry , home decor items, and even artistic pieces. Here's a beginner's guide that will help you learn how to do crafts using inlays with resin.

1. Understanding Inlays

Inlaying is a decorative technique that involves embedding small pieces of material into the surface of another material. In the case of resin, it is embedding materials like wood, stone, or shell into it. The design can be as simple or intricate as you want it to be, and the possibilities are endless.

2. Choosing the right materials

Choosing the right material is crucial in laying. The material should be safely and seamlessly attachable with the resin. You can choose from a variety of options like gold or silver flakes, small beads, crushed stones or shells, tiny glass shards, dried flow ers, or even pictures and printed images. Keep in mind that the material should be small enough to fit into the mold.

3. Preparation and Setting up

Preparation and setting up for crafting depend primarily on the resin you choose. The majority of brands have instructions explaining how to mix their resin. You will usually have a set for mixing components, including a resin that is mixed with a hardening agent.

4. Mixing Process

The mixing process is critical to the inlaying technique. You want the resin to be uniformly mixed without any streaks. The consistency should be fluid and not too thick, and the color should be translucent to work with inlay materials. To avoid bubbles, don't t over stir the mixture. Follow the instructions and the right proportion, and mix it as little as possible.

5. Applying the Inlay

When the mixture is ready, pour it slowly into the mold. Then, quickly add the inlay material of your choice. Some people find it helpful to place the inlay on top of the mixture and press down lightly until it is fully embedded. Watch for air bubbles and pop them with a toothpick or other thin object.

6. Finishing the Project

Finally, after the mixture has cured as per its instruction, remove the mold and inspect the inlay. If done correctly, your piece will have a perfectly flush and seamless surface and design. Clean any residue and sand the surface to make it smooth and polished .


Inlays with resin is a fun and engaging craft technique that can be approached by anyone. With the right tools, materials, and preparation, this technique can turn your DIY projects into works of art. Use the above steps to get started with inlaying with resin , and let your creative side take over. You may just be surprised by the results you achieve.

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