
how to craft from resin

by:Ennas      2023-07-02

How to Craft from Resin

Resin is a versatile crafting material that can be used to make jewelry, home décor items, and even furniture. It is made by combining two liquids C a resin and a hardener C which then harden to create a durable and long-lasting material. Crafting from resin can be a fun and rewarding activity, but it does require some special techniques and tools. In this article, we will explore how to craft from resin, including the materials you will need, the steps involved, and some tips and tricks for making stunning resin creations.

Materials Needed

Before you begin crafting from resin, you will need to gather some materials. Here is a list of the essentials:

-Resin and hardener

- Mixing cups and stir sticks

- Disposable gloves

- Protective eyewear

- Silicone molds or casting forms

- Pigments or dyes (optional)

- Glitters or stones (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting from Resin

1. Prepare Your Work Area: Crafting from resin can be a messy business, so it's important to prepare your work area properly. Cover your work surface with a plastic sheet or newspaper to protect it from spills and drips. Ensure that your workspace is well -ventilated as resin can produce fumes when curing.

2. Mix the Resin: Mix the resin and hardener together in a mixing cup according to the manufacturer's instructions. The typical ratio is one part hardener to two parts resin, but this may vary depending on the brand. Stir gently until the mixture is completely combined and free of any lumps or bubbles.

3. Add Pigment or Dye (Optional): If you want to add color to your resin, you can mix in some pigments or dyes. Add a small amount of the color, mix well, and add more if necessary until you achieve the desired shade.

4. Add Glitters or Stones(Optional): Similarly, you can add glitters or stones to your resin to create a unique, sparkly effect. Simply sprinkle in some glitters or stones and mix them into the resin before pouring.

5. Pour into Molds or Casting Forms: Once your resin mixture is fully mixed and prepared, it's time to pour it into your chosen mold or casting form. Be careful not to overfill the mold as the resin will expand slightly as it cures.

6. Remove Air Bubbles: Use a toothpick or small stick to gently poke any air bubbles that may have formed on the surface of the resin. This will help achieve a smoother finish on your final product.

7. Cure Time: Resin needs time to cure, usually between 24 to 48 hours. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions to determine the exact curing time. Leave the resin undisturbed during this time and avoid moving or touching it as this can cause imperfections .

8. Remove from Mold/Casting Form: After the curing time is complete, remove the resin creation from the mold or casting form. Depending on the size and shape of the item, you may need to gently flex the mold to release the item.

Tips and Tricks for Crafting from Resin

- Always wear disposable gloves and protective eyewear when working with resin.

- Use a silicone mold or casting form for the best results.

- To prevent bubbles from forming on the surface of the resin, pour it slowly and gently.

- Resin cures best in a warm, dry environment, away from any drafts.

- To create a custom mold for your resin, you can use silicone putty or create a mold from clay.


Crafting from resin can be a fun and rewarding activity that allows you to create beautiful and unique items. From jewelry and home décor to furniture and sculpture, the possibilities are endless. By following the steps outlined above and incorporating some handy tips and tricks, you 'll be well on your way to making stunning resin creations in no time!

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