How small statue anti-counterfeiting _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-06
Core tip: since last year, on small sculpture collection way, a lot of collectors to buy small sculptor works directly, or through the gallery to buy. But 'how to avoid buy fakes, prevent fraud' since last year, on small sculpture collection way, a lot of collectors to buy small sculptor works directly, or through the gallery to buy. But 'how to avoid buy fakes, prevent fraud' become collectors and issues of common concern to the sculptor. Small sculpture replication easy. Through the way of making copy works for small sculpture factory mechanic is easy. They can turn almost the same. The only thing that can restrict illegal copying of copyright law only. But counterfeiters for money and interest will regardless of anything. In accordance with the international prevailing practice commonly, small sculptor I copy works within ten is regarded as the original. Can't more than ten as the original sale. And small sculptor in selling small sculpture should be to collect a promise this one casting or forging a few pieces of small sculpture. Small sculptor works slowly. A piece of work done is less a few months, more than a year, or even years. Like Michelangelo the ROM, mayor, Boolean del residence museum work. Rodin want to some more, but a lot of the story is very small. Domestic colleges and universities the number of small famous sculptor works normally but twenty or thirty pieces, also have some more, but not much more, and often includes some small stories. This is why the international prevailing practice only copy small sculptor himself within ten pieces of works as the original. Now the question is: for without little sculptor licensed copy how to identify and eliminate. The small sculpture is a common practice in bronze casting, or other material with metal pen to sign on, or write down a few points. Also has a sign on the wax mold. But this does not solve the problem of illegally copied by making way. Double system can be turned over and work together with the signature to a t. So is there any way to prevent fraud and illegal copying? I thought that some overseas galleries of practice is worth using for reference. They purchased from small sculptor works usually calls for a small sculptor sign collection certificate, a certificate attached products name, qualitative material, size, pictures, this piece of work belongs to a few of which pieces, purchase date, finally the author signature, and even the author fingerprints or seal. A small sculpture a ShouCangZheng. This certificate to fraud is difficult. In addition, small sculptors in casting and turn the work pay attention to sign the contract, set forth the relationship of copyright permission. Casting and turned over to complete at the same time to destroy mode, turned over and don't leave more small pieces of granite sculpture. To prevent illegal copying and forgery is a small sculptor and collector should work together. Friends may have a better idea. I write this is a topic!
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