
how do i make silicone molds for resin crafts

by:Ennas      2023-07-03

Creating silicone molds for resin crafts can seem intimidating at first, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a simple process. Resin crafting has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many enthusiasts creating unique and beautiful pieces such as jewelry, home decor, and art pieces. Making custom molds can be the key to creating truly one-of-a-kind pieces that stand out from the crowd. In this article, we will cover the steps necessary to make your own silicone molds for resin crafts .

Tools and Materials

Before starting the mold-making process, it is essential to gather all the necessary equipment and materials. Here is a list of things you will need:

-Silicone molding putty


-Non-stick spray

-Stir sticks

- Measuring cups

- Mixing cups

- A pattern or object to use as a model

-Plastic wrap

-X-acto knife

- Protective gloves

-A well-ventilated workspace

Creating the Mold

Step 1: Choose Your Model

Select the item you want to use as the model for your mold. It can be any object, such as a pendant, figurine, or coaster.

Step 2: Prepare the Model

If your model has any movable parts or areas that need to remain resin-free, you will need to glue them in place or cover them with plastic wrap. Spray the entire surface of the model with non-stick spray to make it easier to remove the mold later.

Step 3: Mix the Silicone Molding Putty

Follow the manufacturer's instructions to mix the silicone molding putty. Generally, this involves mixing equal parts of the putty and then kneading them together until they are thoroughly blended.

Step 4: Apply the Putty

Roll the putty into a ball and then flatten it into a disc shape that is several inches larger than the model. Lay the putty on top of the model and press it down gently to ensure full coverage. Use your fingers to smooth out any air bubbles or inconsistencies in the putty.

Step 5: Create a Mold Container

To keep the mold in place while it sets, you will need to create a container around the putty. This can be made from any material that is easy to cut, such as cardboard or plastic. Cut the container to fit around the putty, leaving about 1/2 inch of space on all sides. Use tape to secure the container in place.

Step 6: Let the Mold Set

Allow the mold to set according to the manufacturer's instructions. This generally takes several hours or overnight.

Step 7: Remove the Mold

After the mold has set, carefully remove the container and then gently peel the mold away from the model. Use an X-acto knife to trim away any excess silicone, and your mold is ready to use.

Creating Resin Castings Using Your Mold

Now that you have a custom mold, it's time to use it to create resin castings. Here are the steps you will need to follow:

Step 1: Prepare the Resin

Mix the resin according to the manufacturer's instructions. Be sure to wear protective gloves and work in a well-ventilated area.

Step 2: Fill the Mold

Pour the resin into the mold, filling it to the desired level. Use a stir stick to work out any air bubbles and smooth the surface of the resin.

Step 3: Let the Resin Cure

Let the resin cure according to the manufacturer's instructions. This can take anywhere from several hours to overnight.

Step 4: Remove the Casting

After the resin has cured, carefully remove the casting from the mold. Use an X-acto knife to trim away any excess resin or rough edges.

Tips and Tricks

- If you plan on making multiple castings from a single mold, be sure to apply a fresh layer of non-stick spray before each use.

- When choosing a model for your mold, remember that the mold will be a reverse image of the model. This means that any lettering or images on the model will be reversed on the final casting.

- If you are having trouble releasing the mold from the model, try freezing it for a few minutes. This can cause the silicone to contract and release the model more easily.


Making silicone molds for resin crafts is a fun and rewarding process that can take your creations to the next level. With a bit of practice, you can create custom molds that allow you to make truly unique and personalized pieces. Follow these steps and tips, and you'll be on your way to creating beautiful resin castings in no time!

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