How about selling toys to convenience stores?

by:Ennas      2022-01-12
In the context of increasingly fierce competition in traditional online and offline sales channels, how can toy companies highlight their siege to create another world? Some toy brands have set their sights on convenience stores. Will this be a new direction for toy channel development? How should toy companies lay out? 1. Convenience stores have certain advantages in terms of distribution of outlets and consumption behavior. Convenience stores are closely connected with consumers' daily life, and their outlet distribution characteristics and consumer behavior habits are all conducive to toy companies' deployment in this channel. 1. Convenience store outlets are widely distributed, and the consumption atmosphere is strong. According to the '2021 China Convenience Store Development Report' jointly issued by KPMG and China Chain Store Management Association, the scale of China's convenience store stores in 2020 will reach 193,000, with sales of 296.1 billion yuan. The growth rate is 6%. Such a large number of stores is unmatched by other offline channels. In terms of location, convenience stores often choose popular business districts, living communities, white-collar office areas, tourist attractions and other places. The large flow of people, strong consumption atmosphere, and high store floor efficiency create good conditions for the layout of toys. 2. Convenience store consumers are dominated by young female customers, and instant consumption is the mainstream. The '2021 China Convenience Store Development Report' pointed out that the miniaturization of Chinese households will help increase the demand for convenience stores, and the customer group under the age of 30, especially female customers The group has become the main consumer of convenience stores, and the convenience stores as a whole mainly meet the immediate needs of young customers. This has a certain overlap with toy buyers, and the presence of toy products in convenience stores makes it easier for consumers to produce impulsive consumption while meeting immediate needs. 3. Convenience store layout is accelerating to sink, which is conducive to toy brands entering the low-tier market. From the perspective of the development trend of the convenience store industry, low-tier cities account for 70% of the population, and there is ample room for development. Therefore, convenience store companies are targeting low-tier markets. Market and channel sinking further accelerate. The presence of toy brands in convenience stores is also conducive to the deployment of low-tier cities, expanding brand awareness and product sales. Aofei Entertainment’s trendy play products, such as Onmyoji blind box, Peppa Pig’s dream professional blind box, etc., in addition to entering the trendy play channel, but also stationed in chain convenience stores such as Family Mart and Hongqi. The number of stores nationwide is covered. There are more than 10,000 stores. From September 2020 to the end of December 2020, the sales volume of Onmyoji blind box related products exceeded 2.5 million, and the sales exceeded 30 million yuan. Trendy brand 52TOYS is also deploying convenience store channels, and its blind box products have entered 7-ELEVEN, Familymart, Lawson and other chain convenience stores. Including convenience stores, 52TOYS has more than 10,000 offline cooperative retail terminals. 2. Toy brands join hands with convenience stores. Two forms of cooperation bring different effects. Toy brands and convenience stores work together. For convenience stores, expansion of categories is conducive to their diversified development and increases their attractiveness to young consumers. Contribute to customer growth and maintenance. There are two main forms of cooperation between toy brands and convenience stores. Different depths of cooperation will bring different effects. 1. Conventional form: toy products settle in, attract consumers through merchandise display, promotion and other means. Toy brands choose low-customer unit price and high-circulation toy products to enter the convenience store according to the characteristics of large passenger flow and high frequency of customer visits in convenience stores. Displays and promotional measures in prominent positions attract consumers' attention and purchase. 2. The form of in-depth cooperation: through the creation of theme stores to enhance store differentiation, promote in-depth cooperation between toy sales toy brands and convenience stores, and build brand theme stores with toy brand characteristics as the theme, highlighting the differentiation and timeliness of convenience stores on the one hand The trend of advancement, on the other hand, can attract more young consumers to check in and share on social networks, further enhancing the popularity of convenience stores and toy brands, and increasing toy sales. Lawson Convenience Store is known for its good IP marketing to create scene value. In addition to cooperating with popular IP, Lawson Convenience Store also cooperates with toy brands such as Mattel and Hasbro. Lawson and Mattel worked together to create a Barbie theme store, which was the world's first mini Barbie store at the time. It attracted a large number of Barbie fans to visit and experience the scene, and it also greatly increased the sales of Barbie products. This year, Lawson created a Strawberry Teddy themed store in Nantong. The decorations inside and outside the store are themed with pink strawberry teddy bears. Strawberry Teddy dolls are sold in the store, which has become a new landmark for local young people to check in. 3. Entering convenience stores. Trendy toys and IP-licensed toys are more suitable for toy brands to enter convenience stores. Because its customer base is mainly young people and customers visit more frequently, the trendy toys and IP-licensed toys that are popular among young people are more popular. Suitable for sale in convenience stores. The '2021 China Brand Licensing Industry Development White Paper' released by the China Game Association shows that convenience stores/community stores accounted for 17.9% of the main channels for post-95 consumers to purchase licensed products. In Japan, toy brands such as Bandai and BANPRESTO sell animation figures, models and other derivatives through convenience stores. The trendy play brand enters the convenience store, so that young fans can experience the latest products more quickly and conveniently, which helps to increase the product repurchase rate. It can also attract young fans to the store through the design and sale of limited models. Create more space for fans to communicate and interact offline, and enhance the stickiness of fans. Therefore, Chaowan is also one of the toy categories suitable for entering convenience stores. Deploying convenience stores may become a new direction for toy brands to open up offline retail channels. Are you ready?
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