Hot registration-the 8th China Toys and Baby Products Creative Design Competition is so different

by:Ennas      2021-12-28

Do you want to get an offer from a top domestic toy company if you want to get out of the school gate? Do you want to have in-depth exchanges with the top executives of top toy manufacturers? Do you want to turn your creativity into a toy product? Do you want to reach project cooperation with top toy manufacturers? Want to be a master of toy product design? The creative design competition provides you with a platform for learning, talent display and collaboration. The Eighth China Toys and Baby Products Creative Design Competition (hereinafter referred to as Contest), registration is now in full swing. Since 2010, the association has selected a category each year, and jointly organized the competition with key companies in that category. From Wenzhou amusement toys to Zhilebao electric stroller, from Dasheng to Muwan family, from Bestite to Mommy, from the 'Longchang Cup' to this year's 'Aofei CupSeventh. With the theme of 'Animation Technology ToysMany new-generation design talents for toy products have built a platform for exchanges and cooperation between colleges and manufacturers, so that good ideas can be transformed into good products that are entertaining and meet market needs. What are the advantages of the creative design competition? 1. National industry design competitions have a high degree of participation and great influence. The last competition attracted a total of 8,387 teachers, students and designers from 659 colleges and universities at home and abroad, and received 4,463 effective design proposals. 2. The industry-university-research cooperation platform uses industry conferences, industry evenings, industry exhibitions, and production area training held by the association to build a cooperation platform for nearly a hundred companies and provide one-to-one personalized services every year. 3. Authoritative organization The Department of Consumer Goods Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is the instructor of the competition, and the China Toys and Baby Products Association and the Children's Work Department of the All-China Women's Federation are co-sponsors. 4. The jury is more credible. The jury is jointly organized by the Children’s Work Department of the All-China Women’s Federation, China Toys and Baby Products Association, and Aofei Entertainment Co., Ltd. The jury includes industry experts, college professors, toy designers and toys Distributors, etc. 5. High prize money and multiple prizes Ø The competition has 9 prizes, totaling 155,000 yuan, of which the single prize is up to 50,000 yuan; 1 special prize, 1 gold prize, 2 silver prizes, 10 bronze prizes, and 5 individual prizes , 100 Excellence Award, 100 Encouragement Award, 10 Excellent Guidance Academy Award, and 20 Excellent Organization Academy Award; ØThe winners of this competition will have the opportunity to join Aofei Company and be naturalized in Guangzhou; ØGet the Excellent Guidance Institute The colleges and universities with school awards and excellent organization college awards can give priority to establishing long-term cooperative relations with Aofei Company, and at the same time, they can exhibit for free in the 'New Power of Design' exhibition area of u200bu200bthe Shanghai Exhibition held in October this year; ØCollectively organize participating colleges , Can enjoy the docking service provided by the association with more than 1,000 member companies first. Creative Contest Schedule 1. Registration date from March 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017; 2. Date of submission of works from March 10, 2017 to July 10, 2017; 3. Announcement of winning results in September 2017 The results of the awards will be announced on the 4th; 4. Award Ceremony The award ceremony will be held on October 18, 2017 at the China Toys and Baby Products Industry Evening, winners of the Grand Prize, Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award and Outstanding Guidance Academy Award Will be invited to participate in the award ceremony. Participation consultation and service 1. Competition official website:; 2. Competition consultation telephone: 010-66038881-202; 3. Competition service QQ: 2355321299; 4. Competition consultation QQ group: 534167173. To register for the competition or for more details, please log in:
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