'Hello, soul? 'Tian shixin solo exhibition statuettes show

by:Ennas      2021-09-24
Core tip: on April 4, 2014, 'hello, soul? - - - - - - - - - - - - Tian shixin solo exhibition of small sculpture exhibition 'will be kicked off the tianjin grand theatre, it is a famous small statue home tian shixin solo exhibition invitation by the tianjin grand theatre, in the first works on April 4, 2014,' hello, soul? - - - - - - - - - - - - Tian shixin solo exhibition of small sculpture exhibition 'will be kicked off the tianjin grand theatre, it is a famous small statue home tian shixin solo exhibition invitation by the tianjin grand theatre, the only art exhibition held during the period of the first works theater festival projects. The exhibition will showcase artists tian who believe in guizhou period began to minority portrait series in the 90 s of the cultural and historical portrait series and so on dozens of works, including his famous theatre director Mr Lin portrait. As a figurine artist, who believe in artistic creation in the 70 s, work style is different from the special social environment at that time, the combination of guizhou local culture, with the national characteristics of artistic language, pay attention to human nature itself; In recent years, more and more focused on historical subjects, all works in humanistic perspective. Tian shixin solo exhibition in writing for material has a special sensitive, not coessential material clay, stone, wood, bronze, and so on, especially in the traditional craft of Chinese lacquer art inheritance and innovation has made important achievements. He according to the different material quality, brewing and figurines, characters of the exhibition works fully reflect his command all the material and technique of figurine unique creation. A famous theatre director Thomas aust meyer once said: 'the soul of the body appearance, made the mentor' of his life, with nearly 40 years is tian shixin solo exhibition is the figurines to shape the soul of the artist, and the exhibition called 'hello, soul? ', it is a real artist and carrying the dialogue between the works of his soul. The first works drama festival, the art director Mr Lin and Mr Pu cunxin under the building, because of its powerful lineup and many classic Chinese and foreign dramas, become a festival theatre. Drama is an actress deduce, figurine art is creating characters with mud. So this figurine tian shixin solo exhibition on display at the exhibition mainly minority portraits and cultural and historical portrait of two series of portraits of the representative works, also fit works theater festival such a background.
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