Held in fuzhou lacquer figurine art ZongGeZhan plane and solid

by:Ennas      2021-09-23
Core tip: people's net fuzhou on March 16 (Reuters) - Hong-liang Chen) Gather the fujian seven lacquer painting stage 'free image of the new generation of artists - Lacquer art exhibition '15 seven people in the valley of fuzhou China your opening people's net fuzhou on March 16 (Reuters) - Hong-liang Chen) Gather the fujian seven lacquer painting stage 'free image of the new generation of artists - Lacquer art exhibition 'seven people 15 in fuzhou, China opened your valley. The exhibition sponsored by the China your valley, fujian province, fuzhou lacquer art research institute, fujian art net station and other support. Exhibition lacquer painting writer by China national arts association members, the original lacquer and fujian minjiang Wang Tianliang academy of fine arts dean of art culture research board vice-chairman concurrently secretary general, a visiting professor at the art institute of minjiang college Wu Xia red academic adviser, fuzhou lacquer art research board vice-chairman concurrently secretary general Wu Sidong do academic chair, the exhibition brings together Chen Jian, Hu Jiebin, Liao Yimao, Shen Jinshan, wang zhongming, Wu Liqiang, Zhang Yaoxin seven young artist 50 a few pieces of lacquer art works, academic background and the squad is strong. This batch of works by plane lacquer painting and paint a comprehensive display of stereoscopic figurines, with the help of material testing and meaning as the performance of the technique, from plane to solid, from the abstract to the concrete, trying to traditional lacquer art and contemporary artists, convey the artists in traditional culture and contemporary ideological trend, the subtle feeling in real life and ideal experience, in the context of Chinese lacquer has build a profound culture, highlights the more modern artistic charm. It is understood that the exhibition will last until March 30, 2014.
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