Han meilin small statue at phoenix center said the 83 - year - old also

by:Ennas      2021-09-29
Core tip: 'although I was 83 years old this year, but still need to move forward. '8,' the endless - — Han meilin small statue of world 'exhibition opening in the center of the Beijing phoenix. Han meilin in the opening ceremony 'even though I was 83 years old this year, but still need to move forward. '8,' the endless - — Han meilin small statue of world 'exhibition opening in the center of the Beijing phoenix. Han meilin in the opening ceremony said of his artistic creation. Artist, han meilin speech at the opening ceremony. Exhibitor to figure the reporter understands, this exhibition exhibits more than 80 han meilin small sculpture creation. Including han meilin in early 2015 to commemorate the seventy anniversary of the victory of world anti-fascist war, the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations specifically created 'peace watchman', in 2008 by the British museum collection of bronze statue of a small 'horse', show the mother and child series of humanistic concern. Han meilin small sculpture. Exhibitor for figure it is worth mentioning that han meilin creation forms, secure a pig figurine, 1 - February has been exhibited in the Forbidden City and attracted nearly 500000 visitors to appreciate. The opening ceremony of the scene. Exhibitor to figure the phoenix became the more than 80 small statue at the centre of the hall. Different styles, these works. 'Pig', 'panda' bear ', 'horse', 'cow' and so on series of animal figurines form round, appear very lovely; Although 'gobbledygook' and other series of figurines from traditional Chinese calligraphy, but as more experimental statuettes show. At the same time, the small sculpture exhibition material is varied. 'Human' series of figurines are bronze works, 'gobbledygook' series is mainly for iron, talked about his creation style, han meilin admitted that times are different now, 'we make art' also cannot stand still. Although work has been presented with a variety of forms, but han meilin believes 'there will be many did not keep up with the pace of the now'. He said he still need to move forward. It is understood that the exhibition sponsored by phoenix satellite TV, han meilin art foundation, ends on May 7. Phoenix TV, chairman of the board and CEO liu changle, phoenix TV, executive director of the guests such as Wang Jiyan also attended the exhibition opening ceremony.
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