gxg.kids x Melody Childhood丨Launched its own big-brand joint model at the age of 4

by:Ennas      2022-02-06
Spring is a new, bright, vibrant, and picturesque season. It is a painting full of imagination of children, a small collision of colors, and an interesting small highlight in the design. Meile Childhood × gxgkids created a new spring scene together with the children. Everyone is an artist Where is spring? Every child has his own insights into the world. Looking forward to more stories of children and nature, I will see more young artists in spring-every day, the curly-haired lion man. The thunder of spring is shocked! The little animals that have awakened from hibernation have called the earth back to life. The lion man with curly hair is full of vitality and walks together to explore the beautiful spring day-the cute sunshine flower man in spring, the big tree and green flowers bloom, the colorful sun flower man is on the stage, let’s go to the big Walk around in nature and paint the beautiful and splendid spring! ——Tomi Hitomi Colorful Cloud Man and Colorful Cloud Man, guard the spring, decorate your body with the elements of spring! Sun hair accessories, floral skirts, cloud shoes... Innocent children are the spring guards-noodle soup, raindrop parrot man, spring is coming quietly, have you noticed her breath? The rain in the early spring has fallen, moisturizing everything awakens and budding raindrops, Parrot Man is the pioneer of the spring guards and the children are looking for the traces of spring together-Duo Fei Tian Goose Man Spring is on the verdant leaves, spring is on the ducks in the pond, spring is in the eyes of the children , Clothes and heart, the flying goose man soars in the sky-peach and grape fox man. Spring is still going on. What meaningful things will you do in this spring? Have you grown up with the grape fox to retain the beauty of spring and wait for the future harvest...Where is spring? In the eyes of the children, in the children's paintings, on the children's clothes...Spring is here!
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