Gu Jue real risks into garbage _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2021-08-25
Core clew: Gu Jue real risks into garbage master of art sculpture the taps for ancient Chinese brush pot was out of the 360000 pounds for China in the qing dynasty famous sculptor Gu Jue according to the daily Gu Jue real risks into garbage master of art sculpture the taps for ancient Chinese brush pot was out of the 360000 pounds for China in the qing dynasty famous sculptor Gu Jue according to the daily mail reported that to an ancient Chinese pen container was made recently sold for the high price of 360000 pounds, while the brush pot before an auction nearly as garbage, but an eagle-eyed clerk found that this could be an old item. Sure enough his judgment is right, this is a Chinese qing dynasty famous sculptor Gu Jue works. The pen container high 16. 2 cm, and exquisitely carved, pine trees, rivers, carving vivid characters. According to introducing, the new owner of the pen holder is a businessman from Hong Kong, China. Of Chinese culture have a lot of research professor John said: 'this is the most popular in the 17th century art, the artist's name is on the brush pot, he was very influential in China. The most magical thing this bamboo pen container no gum, it also is very rare now so well preserved. ”
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