
Greek figurines & have spent Solidification of the classic _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-12
Core tip: the god mithras ( The god of light) Victory goddess Athena discobolus discobolus Venus boxer sitting when it comes to Greece, cannot but speak Greek sculpture. In the western history of small sculpture, mithras ( The god of light) Victory goddess Athena discobolus discobolus Venus boxer sitting when it comes to Greece, cannot but speak Greek sculpture. In the history of western small sculpture, ancient Greek small sculpture represents a kind of aesthetic height. It established the principle of or specification, on the later development of the western small sculpture art had a profound impact. From a macro point of view, it is not only as a symbol of humanistic spirit directly influenced the Renaissance and 18 th-century neoclassical sculpture art value orientation, and also as a small sculpture paradigm for the whole of the classical sculpture form provides the basic framework.
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