'Great man of 100 instant - — YaoJun figurine art exhibition 'in tianjin

by:Ennas      2021-09-19
Core tip: 'great man of 100 instant - — YaoJun figurine art exhibition opening ceremony 'xinhua November 6 (Reuters) - Reporter ChanChunGang) Sponsored by the tianjin artists association, China friendly art exchange '100 great moment - — YaoJun figurine art exhibition opening ceremony 'xinhua November 6 (Reuters) - Reporter ChanChunGang) Sponsored by the tianjin artists association, China's friendly art exchange hospital, tianjin museum of art, Chinese figurines of cta office '100 great moment - — YaoJun figurine art exhibition 'held recently in tianjin museum. From art, collectors, press and enterprise leaders, guests, more than 200 people attended the opening ceremony. According to introducing, the artist YaoJun years of art has its own unique understanding, his works have won many prizes in the national or local exhibition and display. In 2009 MAO forces under rated as 'the third session of the worker of tianjin artist', received wide recognition from all walks of life. The clay sculpture exhibition brings together the MAO zedong's image in different periods of 100 pieces of clay sculpture works. Writers in forming for ten years before thinking and preparation, the traditional Chinese clay sculpture, sculptures and technique combined with classical realism figurines, with the affinity of original ecological performance in the form of a leader. Statue on the premise of the historical background, makes every effort to do the scene, the vivid image and character of inner thought is apparent, achieve an innovation in the field of the rack figurines. Works in the aspects of thought advocated reflecting comrade MAO zedong advocated by the 'literature and art should serve for the workers, peasants and soldiers' guiding ideology, the small sculpture art popularization, populist, enables ordinary people to understand, to be able to 'ground'. The exhibition is hoping through YaoJun (100 Group) Chairman MAO clay sculpture works, to commemorate the 120th anniversary of chairman MAO's birth, carry forward the mainstream culture, as a generation of leaders grand and legendary life, life in today's fashion, modern, commercial environment to convey a positive positive energy, cause people to produce some kind of spiritual thinking, but also reflects the Mr YaoJun persistent exploration spirit and cultural attitude of the individual.
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