
Go to visit the museum of Korea's cane ando's garden and figurines

by:Ennas      2020-05-28
Core tip: Han Guoyuan state museum tadao ando's garden and small statue, and museum of other buildings, there are two gardens in this museum. After entering the museum, you can find a small garden. Tadao ando Han Guoyuan state museum gardens and small statue, and museum of other buildings, there are two gardens in this museum. After entering the museum, you can find a small garden. Figurines on display there. Through the main building, there is a big garden. This garden is not like ordinary. The garden is full of circular pile. These stone pile and a few small statue. Reminds me of the pile of gyeongju woosong dynasty tombs. I think tadao ando is going to create the most South Korea's mood in this garden. So he tried to woosong dynasty tombs moved to the museum. Tadao ando is let the backyard garden larger than before. According to south Korean traditional architectural, backyard garden than before. Tadao ando must have a deep understanding of Korean traditional architecture. In this regard, the museum seems to be between modern and tradition, and the integrated between artificial and natural. In addition, through the backyard garden, and the mystery of the hall. Strictly prohibited in the great hall of the James terry's pictures. Only I can tell you is the gateway to the corridor of the hall. You can experience in his hall in the mystery of light. Museum, the theme of 'floating city mystery matter' in the great hall of the James terry's complete, st the museum, light and corridors, when entering the museum, waiting for me is a small statue. Small statue standing in the center of the entrance hall, with his own eyes to see small statue is not easy. When into the wall, with a statue of Henry Moore's small. Some Henry Moore's works on display in the backyard garden of pile. In one place to enjoy a work of art is a rare opportunity. If you visit the museum, you can see the James several of a small statue, architecture and art. The building is the most impressive in corridor. Corridor surrounded the building of the room. Seems to decorate corridor outside the hall and room, so as to achieve the best effect on light. Light through the window into the corridor, carefully designed to maximize the effect of lamplight. So, I took a picture with into the corridor lights. The temple's corridor reminds me of the medieval castle. Some corridor lamp closed, there are some topics in the corner. Thoroughly calculate the position of these topics, to maximize the effect of natural or artificial light. I had walked several floors in the museum, but it's not easy to confirm my location. Seems don't want to display the real appearance of it. The paper crafts on display at the museum. Tadao ando construction is one of the main characteristics of the sacrifice of the construction efficiency and convenience brought by the beauty and meaning. Display the main space is not so wide, but it's not easy to describe the exhibition hall of that kind of wonderful atmosphere. Although the building is a museum, but compared with other museum, the size of the exhibition hall are spacious enough. Paper relics of the main hall stands in the very centre of the building. Arrived at the hall is not easy, so we need to take some time to arrive, but the content of the exhibition is really great. In addition, the way of display content is very good, they maximize the effect of dark and light. The exhibition hall is very dark, but a light on the arts and crafts glass tube. It's a wonderful atmosphere in the hall. I had not developed era, South Korea, but I haven't seen there are a lot of handicrafts, the contents of this hall is handicrafts. They use the paper to do the most work. You walk around, I realized that if the fossil resources exhausted, paper can replace fossil resources. It looks better than chemicals. I'm glad to know that the great architect tadao ando, I heard that there is another tadao ando building in Seoul, so I want to stop as soon as possible. Tadao ando museum of natural environment seems to be the nature and the environment, in the architecture of tadao ando plays such an important role, especially in the case of the museum. With an eye to describe the overall appearance of the museum is not easy, so find out the outline of situation seems very important. Only through know about the part of the building can estimate the overall appearance of the building. But I'm not sure the environmental impact of the key is to understand his intentions. But I'm impressed with the surrounding environment, let me know the overall appearance of the building. I'm impressed with the fog and trees. The fog to understanding the meaning of the mountain is very special. This museum is the name of saint or mountain. I don't know why they named this museum mountain, although the museum displays topics related to the paper. The paper looks better than the museum, mountain is more suitable. I think there must be some reason in this way. According to the architecture of the idea, the architect must work to make the correct result. At this point, the museum of the surrounding environment seems to play an important role, make up the mountain. The meaning of what on behalf of the mountain? In my opinion, it's trees, water, fog and other natural objects? I posted about before the release of water mist and the invisibility of, in addition to the air, you can't see the appearance of the whole mountain anywhere. I'm not sure of the museum's overall appearance, the waters surrounding buildings are buildings and the mediation between the mountains. Museum around trees help me understand the whole concept of the creator. Rain fog is very special, in order to show the significance of the museum rather than the day with bright sunshine. Fog shrouded in many of the museum environment, make the museum becomes mysterious.
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