Go to MoMa Picasso statuettes show

by:Ennas      2021-08-15
Core tip: tencent household American New York is located in queens, New York's museum of modern art in the coming year, the special performance of Picasso figurines on display. Often mentioned Picasso, we always not tencent household American New York is located in queens, New York's museum of modern art in the coming year, Picasso was exhibited little statue of the night. Often mentioned Picasso, we always cannot leave his painting, 'matador', 'guernica', 'dove', 'dream', 'wei farm girl, began the modern art. We see small statue of his works, and his paintings have a similar effect. 1, 'head, dolls and portrait' as the name, straightforward show the meaning of work, a few simple lines, present a stereo feeling. 2, the head of two women. Picasso likes to a certain part of amplification, such as the woman's face on the nose, the first see feel very strange, look for a long time will feel whole face stereo, more image. 3, interweave of 4, 'a cup of absinthe' this group of figurines, a total of five every figurine shape, each spoon on the color of the object changes. Every figurine from different museums, so collected five exhibition, also is very not easy. 5, 'bath' Picasso in 1931, is the creator of this picture. Looks more like a dancer, dancer was going to take a bath. 6, the woman with an apple or an orange, this picture was created in 1934, seems to be cast iron statuettes. A woman's head into a square, with an apple or an orange, seems to have what to say, an awkward. 7, 'speaker' dressed in robes of speaker is passionate speech, when it comes to DongQingChu, and gestures. 8, the statue of the woman of the carrying vessel and the picture on the right is the woman of the carrying vessel, the left is a statue. 9, the soldier's head with the armor cap, with a twinkle in his eyes looking at the distant place, seem to see the dawn of victory. 10, the pregnant woman's breasts, and fat belly, enough to clear the woman is pregnant. 11, appreciate a group of animals: cattle, sheep, cats and monkeys. ( Tencent household Lily/font/DIV)
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