Global 25 let you see the figurines will never forget

by:Ennas      2020-06-01
Core tip: small statue is indispensable to every city, it shows the characteristics of each city, customs, and each style of the city. Can be seen everywhere in our life figurines, but only a handful of work is really small statue is indispensable to every city, it shows the characteristics of each city, customs, and each style of the city. Can be seen everywhere in our life figurines, but only a handful of work is really extraordinary creativity, which is why design group to share the result of the netizens voted with accidentally. This is the world's Internet users looking for a statue of the most creative and figurines. More than 160 images and hundreds of votes. Follow design group to see the outcome of the vote - — From all over the world 25 of the most creative statues and figurines. 1. 'Wild' American lars collina, Robert Glen works, is the world's largest horse figurines, a symbol of the Texas person the spirit of freedom. 2. 'Expansion' the New York women artists Paige Bradley works, ( Expansion) Website, 'from the moment we are born, the world would be like for us to set up a just hold our space: social security number, gender, race, and even IQ. I think life is usually defined by these things, rather than determined by the inner self. If we go beyond the framework, we can also know yourself? If not be restricted by any, whether we will exist? '3. 'The stranger' wroclaw, Poland. 'A little statue salmon' Portland 5 in the United States. 'The river people' Singapore five naked boy statue, as if it were going to jumped into the river to swim, this is the first generation immigrants to Singapore children often do sports. Small statue is called the 'first generation', is Singapore figurines home Chong Fah Cheong. 6. 'The shoe on the Banks of the Danube' Budapest, Hungary between 1944 and 1945, about 600000 Hungarian jews were killed. Figurines home bao wu el & # 183; Long, according to the victims of relics of casting produced 60 different pairs of iron shoes, one of fixed in place when a massacre sites. Chain bridge and Margaret bridge between the river bank. Sign near the ground and three pieces of iron casting, are written in English, Hungarian and Hebrew: 'to commemorate the 1944 - 1945 butchered by the arrow cross militants and thrown into the victims of the Danube. '7. The knot of gun turtle bay is located in the United Nations headquarters in New York state building entrance, given by the government of Luxembourg, bending knotting expressed people yearn for nonviolent barrel. 8. 'Free from mould' Philadelphia American figurines home Zenos Frudakis works, we all want for to break free from the shackles of all, let the heart fly. 9. 'Black ghost' Lithuania clay page 10. 'The traveller' ( Marseille) Artist Bruno Catalano inspiration for travelers in France Paris street created several groups of small sculpture works, part of their bodies has been erased, like suddenly appeared from the time tunnel, leave more imagination space for visitors. 11. Mandela ( South Africa) Figurines, Marco Cianfanelli hold a memorial ceremony for his inspiring spirit, design the unique small statue, he was arrested to commemorate the 50th anniversary of portrait statuette of 50 steel column, all this is a charcoal color. 12. 'Playing tricks on the police's rebellious teenager in Brussels, Belgium artist Tom Frantzen works, located at the centre of Brussels near st. John's square. Performance is a naughty boy from the sewer drilled caught the police of one foot. 13. Dallas, Texas 14 'cattle' the United States. 'Spider' British London's Tate modern 15. The hippo statue 16 Taiwan Taipei. The sinking construction in Melbourne, Australia 17. Amsterdam in the Netherlands, 18 'iguana park'. The working man in bratislava in Slovakia, 19. 'M' & # 183; Love Ming 20 in library, Romania. The war scene reduction etc. Size small statue Turkey just 21 nagorno-karabakh. The man hanging outside in the Czech republic in Prague this work is a life-size glass fiber reinforced plastic figurines, character prototype is Austria psychological analyst sigmund & # 183; Freud. 22. 'The water horse,' the British grangemouth 23. 'The blue road shopping street copper statue of pig' 24 of Adelaide, Australia. The unnamed officials reykjavik 25. 'Shark' Oxford these figurines with impressive art form, even to a higher level.
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