
From Russia's oil paintings and small statue, the vast, mammoths in running

by:Ennas      2021-09-07
Core tip: 2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, is also the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Russia. Artist association jointly sponsored by the national art museum of China and Russia 'national art museum of China international art works donated 2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, is also the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Russia. Artist association jointly sponsored by the national art museum of China and Russia 'national art museum of China international art donation and collection series: tile even gold, rove, Andre cavalli cukor art exhibition', July 28 gallery openings in China. Exhibition at the scene of the exhibition on display 58, including canvas 24, 34 a figurine. This exhibition, the artists works 12 items donation that the national art museum of China, there are more than 5 pieces, paintings, 7 pieces of Andre figurine works, will serve as a precious wealth international art permanent collection gallery in China. Tile even gold, sinisa mihajlovic, west more than Mr Rove, who was born in 1928, painter, won the 'people's artist' title, Russian art academy of sciences, Russia in academy professor, and since the Russian artists association chairman for 23 years, become a lifelong honorary President of Russian artists association in 2009. Cavalli, cukor Andre, Nicholas has was born in 1959, the statuettes, won the 'people's artist' title, Russian art academy of sciences, Russia's President, culture and art consultant, Russian artists association, chairman of the culture of the public chamber of Russia's federal branch chairman of the committee. The volga river of the ancient tile LianJinXi rove canvas cloth more paints 95 x 115 cm more than the quiet evening tile LianJinXi rove canvas cloth 65 x 78 cm 'spring tide' tile glaze LianJinXi rove canvas cloth paints 85 more. More than 5 x 104 cm west rove painting rarely as Japan in the steep mountains and great rivers, but is always around the country to Russia and exposition. His description of the sky is blue, the clouds like a dream unreal, Russia's ancient land stretches out to the distance, the vast, remote, lead the viewer's line of sight and mood to the distance, showing Russia's vast, sparsely populated, physical features of the scenery magnificent. He loves with silver tone to show Russia's four seasons scenery in the countryside, the sky is low, the vast, reminiscent of Russia's pastoral poet leaf sai ning. Subjects in broad Andre works, he created many large outdoor type small sculpture monument, is both personal portrait and the Russian people is the vivid reflection of the collective group, mapping out the Russian solemnly serene, perseverance, unyielding national spirit. Animal figurines of his works full of passionate and dynamic of powerful original strength, bring the viewer strong and handsome, XiongQiang aesthetic interest. At the same time, Andre was highly sensitive to the development and trend of contemporary art, he by looking at the little world of the high power microscope, the sense of the diversity of life and the complexity of the structure. 'Mammoth' andrei cavalli cukor figurines of the 40 s of metallurgical workers 'andrei cavalli cukor figurines China gallery director wu wrote on the exhibition in the preface, the two artists, one based on the memory and miss homeland and deep thinking of time, create exquisite feelings, poetic art language, builds a quiet magnet; Another world of objective reality and the micro world is full of curiosity and superb performance, a ghost with a knife, shaping the typical image of the tension with national spirit and life. West more than the art of rove and Andre are derived from realism: the west more than Mr Rove pursuit of Oriental emotional appeal in the landscape painting, his works have the tendency of warm and romantic; Andre from to show what the real figures to object the microscopic forms of exploration and spiritual significance, his works is calm, cool. Famous art theorist Shao Dazhen evaluation: 'the common characteristics of two artists is to nature, to the nation, to live, to society have strong emotions, they use a calm mood to artistic performance, they are committed to artistic career, and accomplished in the field of their own creation. 'Exhibition in China art gallery show - 13 17, exhibition hall, will display to August 11 ( Closed on Monday) 。 ( Cultural supplement editor)
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