'From Picasso to Barcelona - — Spanish figurine art in the 20th century'

by:Ennas      2021-10-31
Core tip: on April 22, an audience in appreciating the work of Picasso 'standing woman'. On that day, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Spain, by the Spanish official credit bureau foundation, Spain, April 22, an audience in appreciating the work of Picasso 'standing woman'. On that day, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Spain, the Spanish official credit bureau foundation, Spanish culture action, the Spanish embassy in Beijing and China hosted gallery 'from Picasso to Barcelona - — Spanish figurine art in the 20th century 'in the opening of the national art museum of China. This exhibition exhibits from the Spanish official credit bureau's collection, including gaudi, Picasso, Dali, Barcelona 31 representative artist of 79 works, presents a Spanish figurines in avant-garde art from the beginning of the 20th century the evolution course of seed development until today. Xinhua News Agency reporter LuPengShe on April 22, an audience in the appreciation of the works of gaudi chimney ventilation. On April 22, an audience in appreciating the work of sanchez. 'hail to the woman. '
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